They look similar in terms of their cognitive preferences but actually have subtle points of differences. Such confusions are commonly seen in INFPs and INFJs. Both these Myers Briggs introverts are intuitive-feeling types.

Similarities between INFP vs. INFJ

INFPs and INFJs are an imaginative, creative bunch.

INFPs and INFJs prefer to maintain a social distance unless they come across like-minded people to connect too dearly with them

Similarities between INFP vs. INFJ

INFPs and INFJs are emotional and understand the feelings of others.

 INFPs and INFJs are introspective and their humane side makes them emotional souls.

Similarities between INFP vs. INFJ

INFP and INFJ personality types value their unique qualities.

Both these personality types remain passionate with the projects they are working on.

INFP vs. INFJ – The Key Differences

INFPs are the perceivers.

INFJs are organized freaks.

INFPs are not keen to plan and organize their daily life because they are open to change.

INFJ are judging types which means whatever they do is planned

INFP vs. INFJ – The Key Differences

INFPs have introverted feeling as a dominant cognitive function.

INFJs are empathetic as well and may take the emotional issues of others too seriously.

INFP vs. INFJ – The Key Differences

INFPs can become critical,

INFJs will behave like worrywarts when they are in the grip of stress.

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