Similarities between an ENFJ and an INFP

Both ENFJs and INFPs are capable of forming meaningful and intimate relationships with others. They desire to make an emotional connection and are caring by nature.

ENFJs and INFPs share a common life goal of making the world a better place. They might follow different paths. But both of them have similar ideals and are committed to achieving their goal.

Both of them have a high regard for their inner values.

ENFJs and INFPs are good at conflict resolution. They assess any difficult situation with compassion and empathy. They have the potential to place themselves in others’ shoes which helps them to judge a situation in the correct way.

ENFJs and INFPs value personal growth and freedom in a relationship. They give importance to their own life goals and often set forward a path to follow for achieving these goals. Often, couples of ENFJ and INFP type begin their personal growth journeys together.

Both ENFJs and INFPs enjoy conversations about abstract topics. They prefer to discuss future endeavors and possibilities. They spend a great deal of time conversing about various concepts and their imaginations.

ENFJ vs. INFP – Points of differences

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1. ENFJ stands for the extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and judgmental type of personality. Vs The acronym INFP refers to an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving individual.

2. ENFJs are proactive and outgoing. Vs INFP individuals generally tend to keep to themselves.

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3. ENFJs always want to be the center of attention. Vs Individuals with the INFP personality type hate being in the spotlight.

4. People with the ENFJ personality always adhere to rules and regulations. Vs INFPs do not care about rules and norms. They prefer living life on their own terms.

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ENFJ vs. INFP both possess intuition-feeling qualities. Thus, they are seekers of truth and knowledge. These two types are emotional, sensitive, and caring towards the needs, wants, and feelings of others.