ESFP Careers – Which are Best Suited?

ESFPs choose careers that are flexible and easy-going. They love to play with concrete and creative ideas. Thus, if work restrictions are in place, they will not be able to operate in their usual self.

Cosmetic surgeon

The ESFPs’ demand for diversity in their work environment and a fresh challenge at every turn is satisfied by working with clients from various backgrounds.

Airline employee

One of the best ESFP occupations is a flight attendant, who enjoys frequent travel and the kinds of adventures that ESFPs crave.

Tour Manager

When experiencing the highs and lows of establishing a business, people skills are essential, as is having a positive outlook.


When experiencing the highs and lows of establishing a business, people skills are essential, as is having a positive outlook.


The key requirements for a successful career in politics are extroversion, recognizing people’s needs, and wanting to cater to them with a dash of charisma.


As photographers, ESFPs would be able to choose their own hours, form friendships, and constantly try new things.