Hobbies of ESFJ Personality Type

The Hobbies of ESFJ personality type include activities that they love doing for entertainment and fun.

Planting and gardening

ESFJs are nature lovers. They love spending quality time in nature. Thus, gardening is a good hobby choice for them.


Cooking is the most likable hobby of the ESFJs because they pursue this hobby to earn appreciation from others. It’s a way for them to show care and concern for others.


Dancing is a good hobby choice for them because it can keep them physically fit. It also allows them to do certain group activities that they love to do.


For an ESFJ, shopping means to move about in free spaces in a shopping mall, or do some window shopping in their favorite marketplace. 


ESFJs can spend hours outdoors. They love trekking, hiking, and adventure sports.

Social work and volunteering

ESFJs love to volunteer and serve the needy, the sick, and the homeless. They are true altruists and find peace if they can contribute positively in others’ lives.


This is another favorite pastime of an ESFJ personality type. They love clicking pictures of their family members and friends.

Outdoor sports

ESFJs love to pursue outdoor sports like tennis, basketball, rugby, etc. These activities can keep pace with their energetic and vibrant life.


ESFJs love to explore nature. Camping gives them a quiet place to unwind and recharge their batteries.

Hobbies of ESFJs include activities that bring them closer to other people. They love spending quality time with their friends and family. When they are not doing anything serious, they love to engage themselves with social work, or charitable organizations.