So, you’re curious about the physical and emotional health of type D personality… well, worrying is pretty normal owing to the excess physical and emotional distress in D-types.

If you’re a type D person yourself or have a type D acquaintance, good job at seeking more insight about their health! Because D-types are vulnerable to too many health risks and they need immediate medical attention.

Wondering what kinds of health issues they might face?

This think-piece has it all. So, don’t waste a moment and hop in…

Physical Health of Type D Personality

Type D individuals might suffer from rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, heart diseases like coronary heart disease, and diabetes. Research also shows that type D patients have much lower chances of surviving long-term after coronary artery surgery and higher chances of experiencing a heart attack.

People with type D personality traits are always stressed due to their suppressed negative thoughts. High levels of stress results in rapid heart rate and high blood pressure.

However, there is still no direct connection between type D personality type itself and the risk for heart disease like coronary heart disease.

Medics and researchers are still uncertain whether the issues are due to the high-stress levels and negative emotions of type D individuals or whether they have deep-seated hormonal issues.

They’re also prone to chronic inflammation and lowered immunity. They’re also more vulnerable to diabetes. In the 1990s, the research of Belgian psychologist Denollet found that out of all the personality types, type D is the worst for physical health.

In his study on more than 300 subjects at a cardiac rehab program, he found that about 27% of D-type patients lost their lives within the next 10 years.

Research also shows that among 900 subjects/patients that experienced coronary artery surgery, people with type D personality characteristics were more than 4 times more likely to suffer a heart attack or lose their life within the next 9 months.

They also experience frequent fatigue, pain, and lower health status. Some experts also believe that all D-types don’t have poor physical health due to stress. Sometimes it’s due to their pessimistic beliefs.

They don’t care for their health well and harm themselves with a lack of a balanced diet, skipped medical appointments, tobacco product consumption, and sticking indoors for too long.

Emotional Health of Type D Personality

Type D personality traits cause people to suffer from anxiety, depression, and psychological distress. This again leads to physical ailments like osteoporosis and insomnia.

According to research on over 400 high school teachers, due to stress, D-types might also suffer from insomnia and depression. Again, lack of sleep causes many more health issues.

Another research stated that negative emotions, social inhibition, and stress lead to a greater amount of cortisol in the bloodstream of a type D person. This makes them more vulnerable to emotional distress and depression… which again leads to coronary heart disease and osteoporosis.

Type Ds are also vulnerable to prolonged and high levels of cortisol hormone due to their constant negative emotions. This can cause them to suffer long phases of depression and anxiety.

A 2018 study by the University of Northern Colorado says that due to high negative affectivity, social inhibition,  and behavioral inhibition (tendency to avoid and withdraw from novel situations) cause anxiety disorders and psychological distress.

You might say that all of this happens because a type D person is so reserved… so, can’t they just not be so reserved? Well, here are the reasons why they can’t get over it…

1. Fear of rejection and unfair judgment

Type D folks have pretty low self-esteem. They always compare themselves to others and highlight their weaknesses. They feel that others will point those out and make fun of them and their personality.

For this reason, they avoid social interactions. Particularly, they don’t try to introduce themselves to new people as they’re afraid of showing weakness and becoming a laughing stock. This also worsens their quality of life.

2. They avoid pressuring others

Type D people keep their emotions to themselves because they don’t want to be a burden to their close ones. They try to deal with their emotions and manage stressful situations by themselves instead.

However, this only makes them feel worse. They feel that nobody notices their problems and gets hurt. They might not even try to express themselves but feel bad because others don’t notice anything.

3. They can’t trust anyone easily

Type Ds have a hard time trusting others. Since they’re extremely pessimistic, they’re afraid of being vulnerable to new people. They worry they might spread their secrets or blackmail them for favors.

There’s no limit to their overthinking and this takes a long time for them to open up to others. This leads to the next issue…

4. They’re lonely

Since a type D person can’t easily trust others and suffer from social inhibition, they feel isolated.

Yes, you might shout It’s their fault!

Well, indeed it’s because they can’t befriend others, but there’s a legit reason behind it… all of these are irrational fears that let them to self-isolation.

This further makes them even more depressed and they just lock themselves up at home and brood over the worst about life. This, as you guessed, becomes a vicious cycle.

5. Fear of the unknown

People with D-type personalities also stay reserved because of their fear of the unknown. Everything in life is uncertain… so, all the uncertainties crawl into their mind when they try to do something.

Even if they gather all of their courage and try to socialize, they feel anxious about something or the other.

What if I do something wrong? What if they feel crept by me? What if they refuse to be friends?  Will I be able to take that?

And all that overthinking leads to one answer: …it’s better to not socialize.

A word from ThePleasantPersonality

Type D individuals have poor coping skills, so they need immediate medical attention. Remember, this think-piece only points out the obvious health issues. There might be other issues too because everyone leads a unique life.

So, it’s best to seek medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment from an expert. Don’t rely on internet sources, self-diagnose, or self-medicate. Life only gives you a few chances, so use them wisely!

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