Here to know more about the comparison between type E vs type F personality? Wondering what to expect from them in the professional field? Or, worried about how type E and F kids might struggle to cope with their surroundings?

Well, it’s great that you’ve reached the right place. This think-piece is all set to point out how different or how similar type E and type F people are. You will definitely know all the important facts to understand both personality styles better.

So, without any delay, let’s get down to work!

Type E vs type F personality

Type Es are infamous risk-takers while type Fs are popular for depending on their emotions to lead life. While people are kind of scared of the crazy whims of an E-type person… they depend too much on the F-type person’s kindness.

When it comes to comparison, people usually paint one black and the other white. However, among type E and F people, nobody is better than the other. It all depends on the grounds of comparison.

So, go through this chart quickly and judge them yourself…

 Type E personalityType F personality
SimilaritiesThey both help and motivate people.
They both need some guidance in different areas of life.
Both get into trouble but from different sources and reasons.
DifferencesThey don’t get affected by opinions.They’re always bothered about others’ opinions.
People might push away an E-type.People love to be around F-types.
E-types need help to succeed in life.F-types help others succeed. They shy away from seeking help.
Type E folks hurry to complete their tasks.Type F individuals are ready to give the necessary effort despite how much time it takes.
They’re crazy about success and progress.They’re passionate about emotional satisfaction.
People don’t trust them.They’re trustworthy.

Though the chart speaks a lot about them, it’s far from enough. After all, simple sentences can’t truly describe anyone completely. So, if you want to know them better, don’t miss the chance to know more…

1. Both are great motivators and helpers

Type E people are never selfish about the variety of opportunities around them. They want everyone around them to succeed in life. For that, they’re ready to guide others with the least they can.

They want to create a better world, so they might create more work opportunities. They might try to help their community or the ones around them. They want to succeed in life with everyone else and build a healthier and happier world.

If they have enough power, they might support smaller businesses or create more job opportunities. If they don’t, they might always be on the lookout for job opportunities and share the word. They understand that a harmonious and peaceful life comes with self-sufficiency and support them in that field.

On the other hand, people with type F personality traits are also helpful to others but they don’t encourage others with only independence. Instead, they support others emotionally or in any way others need.

If someone is in trouble, they won’t sit idly. They’ll race to that person… whether familiar or stranger, whether a friend or a foe… they’ll try their best to help everyone. They’re caring, compassionate, and kind. If you have some emotional troubles, they’ll gladly help you notice the bigger picture.

2. Both can improve themselves with guidance

People with Type E personality traits are quite the risk-takers. They dislike taking life on the normal course and the ordinary ways of living life don’t appeal to them. Once their mind is set on some risk, you can’t just convince them that it’s a bad idea. When people oppose their ideas, they stubbornly follow their plans to prove others wrong.

They’re also speed lovers, i.e., they try to complete tasks in all areas of their life quickly. No… don’t assume they feel pressured into it or this is due to stress. They choose to be this way because they’re passionate about completing work faster and shining harder. However, it might impact their performance and lead to many mistakes.

On the other hand, they’re pretty passionate about both good and bad goals… so, they face difficulties letting go of those. Guidance can help them support their poor sense of direction and succeed in their life.

When it comes to F-types, they don’t take risks but put others before themselves. They have a high chance of getting scammed and betrayed. They might be left feeling hollow and used. Their emotional decisions might not always work out for them.

So, they also need some sort of guidance to balance their life and reduce the chance of failures, heartbreaks, and disappointments.

3. They both might sometimes be discriminated against in the workplace

Type E folks are stubborn about their decisions and mostly choose risky options to seek challenges. They’re also competitive about completing their tasks. They work faster than they need to. Their creativity is also not always welcomed due to its over-the-top nature. 

They’re also fickle-minded and once they lose motivation, they won’t even look back at something they abandoned. They usually hop onto new projects out of passion but without any goal, plan, or cause in mind. So, they eventually fail and lose motivation… and then push the task on someone else.

All of these make them less trustworthy at work. So, supervisors avoid putting them on solo projects until they need their level of creativity or have no other choice.

On the other hand, F-personality folks are discriminated against because others easily take advantage of them. They also can’t deal with difficult people because of their high sensitivity.

If someone talks to them harshly, their confidence gets affected and they feel intimidated. Opportunists can easily melt their hearts and manipulate them with emotional stories.

These traits make workplaces keep them away from calling the last shots on anything. This might also hamper their professional growth. Their supervisors are always worried that they’ll lag in their own work just to help others or make wrong decisions for their emotions.

4. They both might invite trouble but in different ways

Type E individuals are all about speed, passion, and stubbornness. They want to complete their tasks faster than others. They become passionate about things without a cause or plan. So, when they face setbacks, they easily lose that passion. They often waste their time, energy, and resources this way on things they never complete.  

Their desire to lead a challenging life also attracts more trouble. They get addicted to bad habits too fast and struggle to leave them. Of course, their habits lead them to more trouble in their life.

Similarly, type Fs also attract problems by depending on their heart and emotions excessively. They believe everyone is good and have excess faith in humanity.

If someone hurts them, they might even give them a second chance without thinking. They believe that everyone can be a good person and give chances to others more than they deserve.

They also believe in others easily and get manipulated by others. Though they cherish their emotional health, their traits hurt their emotional health.

5. E-types don’t care about others’ opinions but F-types don’t

For a type E person, their own decision is the last word. When they wish to do something, they don’t stop unless they reach their goals. They don’t entertain any kind of interference between them and their goals.

They want to progress and succeed in life. They believe that they’ll face extreme ups and downs on the way and are ready to experience them. If someone tries to talk them out of it, they don’t buy any of it. Instead, they become stubborn and get a strong urge to prove others wrong. 

They never let others demoralize or scare them from pursuing their dreams. This can work both as a pro and a con. If the goal is achievable and if they set their mind to it, stubbornness can help them reach the pinnacle. But if they’re not prepared for the resistance on the way and easily give up on their goals, this is a bad idea.

On the flip side, F-types are extremely emotional. They believe that people talk behind others’ backs only if they get hurt by them. So, when they hear any rumor about themselves, they focus on if they hurt them in any manner… and how to make it up to them. They don’t consider that the other person said so out of ill intentions.

Moreover, if a person rudely treats them, they might break down instantly. They just can’t overlook what others say and gossip.

6. People might not like being around E-types but it’s the complete opposite for F-types

By now, you know that Type E people love to live on the edge. They like to take risks and want to test their limits, and the idea of leading a stable life doesn’t fascinate them.

But that puts the people around them in a sticky situation. Imagine the sole earner of your family being a risk-taker. Every moment of your life you’ll be worried about emotional and financial instability and even the loss of the loved one. If it’s someone at your workplace, you’ll feel anxious about the projects entrusted to them.

Moreover, type Es are also crazy about speed. They work fast and are also enthusiastic and energetic in daily life. Though their spirits might be refreshing initially, you’ll feel exhausted and void later on.

For all these reasons, many people don’t like to hang out with people with type E personality traits.

When it comes to type F folks, people are more attracted to them. They’re sensible and heal others when in trouble. They’re always worried about others and lend a shoulder to lean on and reach out to support others.

Even though type F people exhaust themselves by helping others, people feel more secure around them. Everyone wants a type F beside them to at least express themselves without feeling judged.

7. E-types need help to succeed but F-types help others to succeed and don’t bother others

As mentioned before, both type Es and Fs need support and guidance in life. However, E-types specifically need it to succeed in life because of their poor sense of direction and judgment.

They often try to play with fire and take risks without even checking their pros and cons. They ignore others when they warn them about the bad consequences. If they pursue a bad deal, they just can’t see the big picture… and even if they do, they can’t let go of it.

They’re also pretty fickle-minded… you never know when they grow tired of a project. Once they lose motivation and feel attracted to another opportunity, you can’t even convince them to resume the abandoned project. Their habits definitely hurt their reputation and growth in the professional field.

But the habits of F-types don’t directly harm their professional life. Instead, they’re always ready to help their coworkers whether it’s something about their work or personal life.

However, they don’t want anything in return. They only want others to feel better. So, even if they need some help with their work, they won’t seek others’ help. Instead, they try to do everything on their own.

8. E-types try to complete their work quickly but F-types are passionate and take time

Type E individuals are all about speed. They want to complete their tasks and submit them before anyone else. To succeed in life, they want to stand out of the crowd and punctuality is one way to show that.

Many assume that type Es do this because they’re stressed or feel burdened. But the reality is pretty different… They do it because they want to and feel good this way.

On the other hand, when they can’t complete their tasks quickly, they lose motivation pretty fast. This happens to the tasks they accept on a whim. They think they’ll gain a lot from doing the project but forget to devise a plan. When their go-to route fails them, they feel demotivated and give up.

However, if they’re passionate consistently, they try their best to achieve them.

Speaking of type F individuals, they emotionally connect with their tasks. Their passion for their tasks is much calmer than E-types. They take time to work on them and don’t get fed up too fast. Due to their patience, they can focus on it better and figure out solutions eventually.

9. The ultimate goal for E-types is progress but for F-types it’s the emotional satisfaction

E-type individuals dream of progress and success. They’re ready to do everything to reach the pinnacle of life. Whether for themselves or others, they always believe in working until they succeed in every area of their life.

They wish to improve their living standards and if anyone doesn’t understand their passion, they won’t compromise either. If they believe that something will help them lead a better life, they’ll do it anyhow.

They also wish to do something to make the world a better place. It might be creating more job opportunities, convincing the deprived classes of the community to do something to support themselves, and so on. They believe that progress and success can help a person in their worst times.

But for F-types, emotions, and feelings matter more. They don’t deny the importance of money, higher living standards, or success. Rather, they prioritize these aspects only until a certain limit.

After reaching a certain level of stability, they don’t chase these materialistic aspects any longer. From that moment, they focus on emotional satisfaction, peace, harmony, joy, calm, and the like.

They believe that human beings are emotionally intelligent but they often overlook this important part of their life.  So, they ensure that their and their loved ones don’t make the same mistake.

10. E-types make others suspicious, but F-types are known for their faithfulness

Before you judge E-types… whoa there! Put a leash on your thoughts. They don’t do anything suspicious… they don’t try to harm others, at least not intentionally. Don’t call E-types cheaters or betrayers right away. Rather it’s because they tend to take more risks.

People struggle to trust them because they’re quite unpredictable… and you can’t even tell if their plans are for the better or worse. Moreover, they’re also good at convincing others. If someone doesn’t believe in their plans, they’re ready to explain their point of view and convince them into following them.

However, they don’t understand the pros and cons of their own tasks. Since they don’t mind juggling with extreme consequences of their choices, they don’t understand others’ perspectives.

So, people can’t trust their ways because they often spring up with risky ideas. That’s why even if they only mean the best for everyone, others might not be ready to trust them.

On the other hand, type F people might be the most trustworthy of the lot. They never mean to harm anybody and always ensure that their actions don’t hurt others. They might get hurt themselves but won’t let any harm reach others.

A word from ThePleasantPersonality

People want to know the difference between personality types for different reasons. So, whichever is yours, ensure you don’t take the differences at their face values… because people change with time.

Some people might work on their weaknesses… while others’ strengths might become blunt due to the lack of nurture, or they might have strengths you might never guess.

Remember that these differences are based on studies on a vast number of people. So, it’s better to not assume and watch them closely to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

If you have type E and F applicants for a job, don’t judge them based on differences. Instead, focus on the skills they show you. If you want to take care of type E and F students and mentor them better, open communication might help you understand their needs better.

So, take your time and get familiar with them with an open mind!

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