After taking many interviews, are you wondering about the performance of a type F personality at work? Wonder if they can perform well in your firm or if their emotions would mingle with their professional life?

Good job at seeking assistance about this… after all, organizations invest a lot in each person’s training and development. So, if you have a good idea about this, you can guide them accordingly within the set time.

And thankfully, you reached the perfect place because this think-piece will reveal everything necessary. So, don’t delay any longer and head in…

Type F Personality at Work

Since F-types depend more on their feelings than thoughts, everyone naturally assumes that they end up creating many troubles at the workplace. But apparently, they’re not so bad. You just need a bit more patience to understand what they bring to the table.

So, instead of assuming anything, find the truth here…  

1. They’ll never try to harm anyone

Even if a type F employee loses their mind because something didn’t follow the plan, or someone defied their plans and got them in trouble, they won’t ever wish anything bad for anyone.

Suppose a type F employee competes with their rivals, they’ll never pull any underhanded tricks to win. If a type F person is a businessman, the thoughts of tricking a business partner or gaining from others’ losses won’t even cross their mind.

Whether people are working from home or the office, workplace politics is always an issue that leads to a high turnover rate. But a type F worker will never partake in these dirty games.

Even if someone slanders a type F person for harming them in some way, there’s a high chance that they’re being framed for something malicious. Whether someone harms them or not, F-types never seek revenge or cheat others.

2. Instead, they’ll try to keep their share of the deal

Forget about using any dishonest methods, type Fs in the professional fields is quite particular about their ethics. They have strict beliefs when it comes to dealing with others. When a type F businessman signs a contract or alliance with another business, they make sure that both parties get fairly treated.

They don’t want their business partner or the employees of their own organization to be in a tight situation. In a deal, they do everything to keep their word and abide by the rules.

If a type F employee promises to take care of a task and complete it within a tight deadline, they go to great lengths to make that happen. They won’t do anything that might put their team members, department, or organization in a tight situation. Unless it’s impossible even after trying everything possible, they keep their word.

3. They’ll support others selflessly

In a professional platform, everyone likes to keep in contact and nurture an amicable relationship with a type F employee regularly. This is because type F people help others and don’t even expect the same from others.

They might help others split their duties so everyone can rest more. Even if they have nothing to gain, a type F employee might help out other rival team members just so they can compete fair and square.

A type F employee goes around supporting others but people don’t feel pressured into thinking of ways to repay their kindness. They don’t seek others for the same kind of favors.

Whenever anyone is in a pinch, a type F employee is the most approachable person to seek help from. Other employees might not be comfortable seeking each other because they’re worried about what the other party might ask in return later.

4. A type F leader won’t judge others harshly

Type F supervisors, leaders, and mentors don’t believe in judging their team members with plain logic. When something goes wrong among the team members or in a project, they don’t blow their fuse and hold the team members accountable right away… possibly because they’re brimming with empathy.

During a crisis, they still use their heart more than their mind. They believe that human beings are gifted with emotions and intelligence so they can use them during crucial moments. So, they don’t assume that the concerned people committed mistakes knowingly.

F-type leaders and bosses don’t try to get their subordinates fired or demoted at the drop of a hat. Instead, they investigate and make sure to give the other party another chance and prove their capability and innocence.

Their subordinates feel more courageous and explain their side of the story quicker… all of this resolves issues faster.

5. During decisions, they might get swayed by their feelings

F-type people are popularly known as the feelers. They depend on their emotions and feelings more than rational and logical thoughts while making important choices.

During disputes among employees, they try to understand the situation from an emotional point of view. This helps them understand the reasons behind the disputing sides’ actions.

However, in the workplace, employees don’t come in to settle disputes among themselves. Instead, they have more important decisions to make. And when it comes to professional decisions, emotions are a hindrance.

A type F employee might depend on their feelings excessively over practical ideas while deciding things. This increases the chance of choosing something wrong and regretting it big time later on.

After all, on the professional front, everyone tries to gain more and give others the shorter end of the stick. For this, it’s better to not allow a type F employee to have the final say in situations.

6. They’ll gain everyone’s trust

Type Fs are loyal, compassionate, kind, and caring… all of these virtues are pretty obvious in how they treat others.

Due to their transparency towards everyone, they become one of the most trustworthy employees pretty soon. Though how fast they win everyone’s trust depends on others, they gain it faster than any other type of personality.

People can work with them comfortably and rely on them with peace of mind. If there are a lot of responsibilities for you and you want to delegate part of your tasks to someone serious, a type F person is your go-to choice.

They don’t want to let others down, so they try to give their best in these situations. They know that if broken once, they can’t regain trust easily… so, they make it so that it’s never broken. Of course, sometimes it might not be possible to keep their end of the deal, but it’s always for a valid reason.

7. They’re passionate about their duties

In the workplace, most people work because it’s their livelihood, they won’t get another job if they leave it, or if their current job offers them the best. It’s always because they don’t have a choice… and had it been different, they would’ve left the job far earlier.

However, a type F employee is truly dedicated to their job from the bottom of their heart. They don’t treat their tasks like obligations… instead, they treat their job as if the business is their own. They feel as responsible for their organization’s welfare as the CEO might.

These people are truly concerned about their workplace and are loyal to their employers. They connect with their job from the bottom of their heart which helps them devote more of their time and energy to it. So, if you want to get any task done perfectly, F-types are the best employees.

8. They can motivate others relentlessly

Type F people can’t stand it when others are in a pinch. Being emotion-centric people, they have a sharp nose for when people are emotionally troubled. So, even if you suppress your troubles, your F-type coworker might soon get the air of it.

Of course, not everyone has such hyperactive senses… and they understand. So, they make sure that they can clear almost everyone’s troubles. Of course, they aren’t in the workplace to gossip about private issues, but they guide them as needed within a 5-min coffee or cigarette break.

For this, other employees might often seek a type F employee for moral support and motivation. As a team leader, they can be highly motivating people and work as everyone’s problem solvers.

On the other hand, they can be great counselors too. They can help others sort out their emotional baggage and focus on their duties.

9. Type F bosses give great priority to emotional health

Type Fs are always in touch with their emotions. They prioritize emotional health and satisfaction over everything else. If a type F person has enough power in the workplace, that might be a dream workplace for many as they’ll usually promote ways to protect everyone’s mental health.

They might tell their employees to not take too much stress, work in their flow, clock out at the right time, or even gift them with tickets to ways for relaxation. They might plan office tours to resorts and the like. At every opportunity, they’d preach about work-life balance in the office.

Often, workplaces allocate more tasks to the reliable ones and lesser to the unreliable ones. This might seem unfair to the employees as the unreliable ones still get paid the promised salary without taking as much pain. But F-types will always keep an eye so that the work distribution in the office is even.

10. They can’t cope with difficult people

Type F people are extremely sensitive to emotions. So, if someone talks in a loud or condescending voice, their knees might give out, they might even burst out in tears, or they might even quit their job if they’re insulted too harshly. They’re truthful and loyal towards their duties and are in touch with their feelings.

For this, they might not be a good fit for dealing with weird and mean people. If a business partner is mean, they might give up on the alliance. If a customer is too harsh, they might not be able to tackle the situation smartly.

So, managing difficult people might be a lot to handle for F-types. It’s better to allow them to not meet moody people. Otherwise, it can impact their emotions and performance at work. They might even have a hard time resuming their responsibilities afterward.

11. They are too lenient on lazy workers

A type F team leader always tries to reason with emotions. When a team member’s performance declines, they may not charge them directly for it.

Instead, they might try to figure out whether they had a hard time at the office or at home. They might ask them about their personal matters or tell them to take it easy for a while.

Even if the other person’s performance increases their troubles, they might not be able to confront them. After all, they always wonder if their actions might hurt others. Or perhaps they’re already in pain and their confrontations might put them in an even more uncomfortable situation.

They easily forgive others even though they’re in lots of pain. It’s ironic how they prioritize emotional stability but don’t care how much their actions hurt them. They don’t even consider whether the other person is worth so much pain.

12. Others can fool a type F employee easily

Type F people try to help others at the drop of a hat. They make sure that nobody is in trouble and since their instinct of rescuing is so intense, they overlook the rational decisions beforehand. For instance, they don’t try to find out whether the other person truly needs this help or if they’re just pretending.

If other employees get an air of their habitual helping others without knowing the truth, many wolves might try to take advantage of them.

They might spin emotional stories about their family members and life to make an F-type person do their job. Others might pass their overtime or tricky workload to them.

They might even lend money only to be swindled by their coworkers. Immoral and unethical people might go to any extent to score benefits out for others.

13. They treat their coworkers and subordinates like family

Type F people get emotionally attached to people pretty soon. Especially, if they meet someone regularly, spend long hours together at the office, and stick together through thick and thin, they might treat them like their own family. However, depending on the designation of the F-type and the other employee, the situation can bring different results.

If they get attached to their fellow team members is one of them, this is a great way to boost team unity. However, they might get taken advantage of if there’s an opportunist in the team.

If they’re a rookie, they might help fellow rookies learn together with them… this will diminish the workload of the mentor and help others learn comfortably. However, they might overlook the competition part and get the shorter end of the stick.

If they’re a supervisor and treat their team members like family, they might help them become more open and motivate them to work better. But it’ll also hamper their authority over others.

14. They might be unable to turn down the “extra” workload

Type F employees care a lot about others’ opinions. They want to keep everyone at peace around them. So, when their boss delegates them more tasks, they can’t turn them down even if it harms them.

They worry that they’ll put their supervisor in a pinch or that they’d disappoint them. Moreover, if others give excuses about family issues or sickness to avoid sharing any of it, they might be at a loss themselves. So, they might not be able to refuse if they’re the last resort and if it’s an urgent task.

They might often be troubled with too many tasks if their supervisor doesn’t care about their health and only focuses on increasing the department or team’s productivity. Of course, this might also cause troubles in the F-type person’s personal life and put them in a strenuous position.

15. They act with absolute humility and lose grave chances

A type F employee might also get emotionally attached to their job, tasks, projects, or their duty. They might give a lot more effort into their job because they connect with it emotionally.

On the other hand, type F people also don’t seek anything in exchange for their hard work. Rather, they’re happy with the least bit of appreciation. As a result, they sell themselves too short for their workplace.

Others might believe that it’s enough to award them with verbal appreciation and certificates instead of appraisals, bonuses, or promotions. Their modest nature causes them to lose multiple opportunities to progress in their professional life. This is especially possible if their supervisors are also careless about their effort.

A word from ThePleasantPersonality

F-types bring all sorts of effects in the workplace. They might be more suitable to guide rookies than to deal with harsh clients. They might go too easy on their employees but also help them care for their mental and emotional health.

They have a major positive effect in the workplace… but they’re prone to be taken advantage of. So, make sure you keep an eye on your workplace and how everyone treats the F-type around you. You might find some undeserving folks around them… and perhaps it’s time to reevaluate their performances!

Motivate the F-type worker and help them perform their best… meanwhile, teach them how to deal with the troubles of their personality style and you’ll soon develop a capable employee!

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