So, you took a personality test and are now worried about what to do if you’re a type E person? Wondering if you’ll be alright or make major troubles with your stubbornness? Worried that others will give up on you too soon?

Whoa there… stop the train of overthinking. Even if that’s how it was till now, you can easily improve these situations if you stay dedicated. Don’t believe that? No worries, instead follow the tried and tested tips in this article.

C’mon, let’s get down to it!

What to do if you’re a type E?

Before you hyperventilate and assume that you might need to undergo a revolutionary personality makeover, take a break and breathe in deeply…  everything else can wait until you calm down.


So the truth is, there is no need to change… rather, believe in yourself that you’re one of a kind. With that in mind, here you’ll fix the minute troubles that come with your personality traits and retain the good ones.

That’s why just have faith and follow these simple steps…

1. Understand yourself better

There are pros and cons of having type E personality traits… you’re also blessed with some strengths and weaknesses. Others might taunt you about your flaws but imperfections are common in people.

At some point, society’s harsh words might hurt you because of all the generalizations with traits. They fail to forget that everyone is unique. Your weaknesses might not be as strong to harm you or your loved ones. Or, you might have worked on the shaky bits of your life. It all varies from person to person.

So, others’ assumptions might either take a huge toll on your mental health or push you away from socializing with them. Moreover, it’s better to avoid sharing your personality type with others to protect yourself from these stereotypical assumptions.

Meanwhile, try to know your motivators and use them for the better. Find your fears and work on them. Don’t force yourself to change, but be a better version of yourself.

2. Understand the people around you

Try to know the personality type of the people around you. Sure, after asking you to keep your personality type to yourself, it’s hard and unfair to ask others about theirs. That’s fine… don’t ask them, instead try to match their personality with any of the other alphabetical personality styles.

Think about how much you know them and answer different personality tests. This way, you’ll get a rough idea about their likes and dislikes, and whether you share any common grounds with them. This will help you know them better and learn which group of people will understand you and treat you compassionately.

Avoid people who have personality traits pretty opposite to yours. They won’t cherish your way of living life and might drag down your motivation.

However, sometimes you might not be able to completely avoid people like your boss, coworkers, professors, classmates, or family members. You can only try to compromise with them.

3. Identify what others need from you

You don’t need to sacrifice a lot for others… you’re not made to please others. But to coexist with others, you must understand what others need from you. Your family members might need stability, your workplace might need higher productivity and obedience to some extent. Your children might want you to go easy on them.

It also depends on their personality characteristics. So, once you identify others’ personalities, understand their desires. Try to understand how much you can give others effortlessly.

If someone is of similar personality, you’ll easily know what they need from you. If someone is of a different personality, communicate about their needs and figure out your comforts and discomforts.

E-types are prone to be misunderstood and people push them away in both personal and professional life. Understanding others’ needs and conveying yours will help you balance out your life.

4. Think if the undertaken risks hurt others

You love taking risks and feel great about challenging yourself. However, if you have a family to feed, what’s their take on these risks? Do your parents, spouse, siblings, and children support your move?

They might oppose you when you want to take risks. Their opposition might make you want to disregard them and chase the risks. However, that’s a bad move. Think about why they oppose you… how does your action hurt them?

The same goes for your professional life. When you want to take risks in a project and others vote against it, figure out why they’re so opposed to it.

Understand how your actions can change the lives of your loved ones or affect the job security of coworkers and the business of your organization.

From now on, change this habit of living on the edge bit by bit… take only calculated risks and don’t chase them without understanding them better.

5. Learn to identify pros and cons before working on your whims

When people with type E personality traits get passionate about anything, they usually can’t figure out whether the passion is good or bad. Or, they know that they’re passionate about a bad habit yet still pursue it.

This obviously leads them to the worst situations they probably never imagined. They might lose their loved ones, become financially unstable, or even lose their life.

So, before you chase your passions, find out whether it’s a good or bad one. It’s understandable that your mind feels insanely attracted to the goals once you’re hooked onto something… but for the sake of your own and others’ safety, security, and happiness, control yourself and think deeper into it.

Jot down all the pros and cons of your passion in your journal. Give yourself a week to relax and once the week is over, open the journal and check in with your feelings about the cons.

Next, ask your loved ones or coworkers about their feelings regarding this and the reasons behind them. Give them time if they need it.

6. Try to make your creativity flexible

Being a type E, you have admirable creative energy, but your ideas are far from normal. They’re pretty extreme in short. For instance, your elementary child’s homework needs them to draw something as homework. You suggest they draw something super cool… but it’s too tough for an elementary kid.

You have good ideas… whether in your professional, social, or personal life… but others can’t use them because something or the other is extreme. So, be a bit more considerate of others’ needs when you put your creative mind to use.

Of course, it feels the worst to get your ideas ridiculed and rejected… you might even grow a fear of rejection or give up on helping others or participating in group tasks.

However, take a look from a different perspective. Everyone around needs your help and if you change your ways, they’ll be more than grateful… so, go and support them with your powers.

7. Find if your speed impacts you negatively

You love to do tasks at high speed… you feel energetic when you tend to your duties… and you’re a great speedy worker whether at home or in the office. However, notice if your tendency to work fast impacts the quality of your work.

If you can work fast and maintain your work quality, head to the next pointer. But before you assume that your tasks are flawless, get some feedback on the quality.

If you do household chores, ask your family members if they feel dissatisfied with the quality. In your workplace, ask your coworkers, boss, and supervisor about the quality. If everyone is satisfied, there’s nothing to worry about.

8. Accept that everyone can’t be as speedy

You like to work fast and get a bit… or a lot… furious when others can’t keep up with you. But try to understand that everyone is unique. While you feel motivated to produce perfect results in a short time… others might need more time to double-check and avoid errors.

People can take more time to complete their duties, so don’t assume that they aren’t good at their job. Instead, accept that there are different ways to work. Unless the schedule and deadlines are tight, don’t expect others to work as fast as you.

If you habitually lose your calm during work and hurry others, meditate when you wait for others to complete the task. Calm your nerves while they peacefully take care of your job. Give them enough time and watch the change in their work quality.

9. Spread the word about your plans for communal progress

Type E people often want to progress in life and help others get the scope for progress. So, you never desire to monopolize opportunities and want to help out others.

This is your choice and you didn’t get influenced or forced into it. However, some people might have their distinct opinion on your actions. You might face opposition about this.

Even before you get to share your thoughts and desire to help others, some people might frame you negatively. They might find fault with your actions.

For instance, if you want to empower women in a female-oppressing society, the oppressors might get in your way. So, try to spread your intentions via as many communication channels as possible. Don’t let your voice get suppressed and seek help from your wellwishers to share the word.

10. Never force your plans of progress on others

Though you want to help your community grow, know that some people won’t agree, support, or join your cause. Let’s take the example above about building a women-empowering business in a female oppressing society.

Once your word is shared and all the women around know about your goals, try talking to them one-on-one or have a group discussion. You’ll meet some women who don’t have the same ideologies as you.

Some women might feel comfortable in their present situation and strongly refuse you. In this case, don’t force them into it. Remember, everyone is unique and has different choices.

The same goes for your loved ones. You might create opportunities for their growth. But if they don’t want to chase those, don’t pressure them into it. Don’t assume that everyone must understand and agree with your cause.

11. Find the important facts before working on your passion

Type E individuals become passionate about many things even before finding any strong cause behind them or devising any wise plan.

Due to the lack of cause and planning, they often face a setback in their path to their goals. They might try multiple times and fail because the path to their goal isn’t clear.

Due to this, E-types often lose their interest in things they were passionate about. They can forget the amount of energy, time, and resources they invested because there wasn’t any cause to keep them hooked to it.

So, before you invest in your passions, clear out these important questions in your mind… or, write them down in your journal. What’s your ultimate motive? Why are you so passionate about it? How important is this to you? What’s your plan to make this come true? What if you face setbacks? What are your backup plans?

12. If others resist your plans, don’t let your willfulness take over

Whenever type Es face resistance to their plans, they become stubborn. They want to do the things others ask them not to do even more. They want to prove themselves right, become defensive about their plans, and protest against others’ warnings.

If you’re the same, don’t always assume the worst about the other person. Before you overreact, give it some thought. Does that person oppose you because they don’t agree with your opinions? If that’s the case, then you can continue being willful.

But if it’s because they pointed out some issues with your decisions, it’s time to think about it. Get some time and understand the issues on your own… or, ask them to list them out. Now try to find a solution to those issues. If you can’t devise plans to counter the problems, then it’s time to give up on the plans.

13. Don’t be shy to seek guidance

E-types can lead a wonderful and fulfilling life if they get guidance. They have everything they need to succeed and progress in life other than a proper sense of direction.

Whoa! Before you think that’s an insult, know that this is just a way to look out for you. You’re independent… you can make decisions properly, but it never hurts to take a second opinion.

If you ever choose the wrong path, that person can always show you the right one and give you the reasons why the chosen path is wrong.

You can take your time to choose someone to consult major decisions with. You might even choose more than one person… but just make sure that they’re your wellwishers.

14. Learn to walk without guidance

Though having someone to guide you through the path of life is genuinely helpful, make sure you don’t grow dependent on them with time. Just as you’re independent now… stay the same until the end.

When that person shows you a better path every time, expand your horizons. Don’t think that you always have someone to support you… even if they promise to help you out every time.

People get tired and need a break at times. They might not always be in the mood to help you find the way… sometimes, they might need help and feel drained. So, learn to help yourself while you still have time.

15. Learn to compromise

Most E-types follow the rule “It’s all or nothing”. They feel this unnatural pressure to have it all according to their way. They want to follow their passions and can’t let go even if they’re wrong.

They want to take risks and not care about what others might think of them. They’re so energetic and expect others to match their energy… and feel dejected when they can’t.

However, life doesn’t work that way. You can’t force your decisions everywhere. Especially if you work in an organization or if your loved ones disagree with you. Be open to changing your ways together. Compromise from both of your sides and learn to find middle grounds you both agree on.

A word from ThePleasantPersonality

Being a type E personality doesn’t make you any less than anyone. Moreover, everyone is flawed… you just gotta deal with them before you get yourself in complex troubles.

So, don’t lose your confidence in being an E-type. Be confident in yourself and slowly work on yourself… oh, don’t hurry the process because this will take time and need patience.

Trust the process and keep following everything. You’ll definitely become the best person anyone can ask for… whether in your private or professional life!

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