Knowing the various ENFJ stress triggers and how they cope with stress, it becomes easier to connect with these extroverts in an easier way. 

ENFJs may find themselves in emotional mayhem in times of stress. Any kind of threat to their personal values can lead to stress. Moreover, these individuals are highly organized beings with a sense of purpose. 

They may feel stressed out if things are messy or not in the perfect order. ENFJs prefer routine and feel anxious in uncertain times. They are not the ones to tolerate unpredictable things in life.

Let us learn what stresses them out badly and what tricks they use to come out of the situation.

Factors that can cause stress in ENFJ personality type

ENFJ personality types according to the Myer-Briggs type indicator hold themselves and the people they care about to high standards because they are idealistic and believe in human potential. 

Their extraverted sensing makes them passionate while urging people to strive for greatness because they find opportunities for personal growth and identity everywhere. Because of this, they become great companions and instructors.

However, the ENFJs commitment for human empowerment can have a drawback. They can set themselves and others’ expectations excessively high as they don’t see the big picture ahead, which causes them to feel disappointed when those expectations are not reached. 

They could make a little effort to maintain control. They could be quite concerned about both their own and their loved ones’ futures. This may also be draining.

Do you know that each personality type responds differently to stress and feels stress in various ways? People have spent a lot of time over the past five years researching how people behave under stress and their type to see if there is a link. 

 1. Conflicts and other issues

ENFJs devote a significant portion of their time to meeting the needs of others. They are very sensitive to the emotional climate around them and are driven by an intrinsic need to maintain a positive atmosphere and good morale. 

They are often diplomatic, kind, polite, and frequently quite unselfish. Many of them find it difficult and draining to be in conflict situations since they are so sensitive to other people’s feelings.

2. Having to Focus on Repetitive activities

The ENFJ processes information and facts in this manner, but they don’t let this dictate the majority of their behavior. They continue to preserve and retain this knowledge, and they undoubtedly use this when they are concentrating on something that calls for novelty. This is called their intuitive thinking. 

Though the thinking function is still significant to ENFJs, their attention is primarily on the main role and their concern for doing things differently and not doing same stuffs over and over.

3. Little credit for their work

They are typically caring and sensitive, exhibit directness and even aggression when not valued for their efforts. They get irritable in an effort to do tasks quickly, and they may even find themselves snapping at their loved ones when they feel less valued. 

When fully engaged, this can be the most poisonous of their shadow functions, enabling the ENFJ to only perceive their objectives and nothing else. 

They lose sight of the broader picture as they become fixated on specifics and facts while still striving to get things right. They behave extremely differently than normal when dealing with people who don’t do things precisely, becoming agitated.

4. Having to Go Against Their Beliefs

Since their personal needs have gone unmet for too long, ENFJ is under a great deal of stress. They struggle to maintain a sense of equilibrium in their everyday lives and continuously feel on edge as they sometimes have to go against what they believe in. 

Although it might be a difficult process for them, they walk into their shadow in an effort to adjust or impose an alteration in their lives. The ENFJ frequently needs time away from others and their stressful surroundings while they are in their shadow. 

5. Having too much empathy

It might make their pulse race and their hands sweat to have to offer and accept criticism and possibly damage someone else’s feelings. Over-empathizing and continuously experiencing other people’s emotions can occasionally lead to burnout.

6. Being Misunderstood

ENFJs might be perceived as being intrusive, tyrannical, or “overly joyful.” Because ENFJs have a deep desire to understand people, they frequently ask excessive amounts of questions and make an effort to communicate honestly. 

They demonstrate their concern for one another by offering each other consolation and assistance. In contrast, some might not value their curiosities. 

The ENFJs’ interactions with them could be too invasive for them to find enjoyable. ENFJs often respect other people’s limits and will back off if they feel they’ve crossed them.

7. Being Mistrusted

These people shoulder a significant amount of responsibilities on their own. Due to their need to take care of others, ENFJs are more prone to regularly go through too many stressful situations. 

The ENFJ may feel oppressed and exploited by others if this goes on for an extended period of time without any form of break. 

Although they make every attempt to maintain the balance and meet everyone’s wants, if they are not given value, this can become too much. If the ENFJ is consistently mistrusted, they could want to withdraw and retreat back into their shadow.

8. Trying to be perfect always

ENFJs are well known for being high performers. As humanists, they have just a stunning vision of the future. They also have a fervent desire to achieve it even if it may be all-consuming of their personal resources. 

They sometimes may exhaust themselves in the process of achieving their goals. Hence they neglect their own needs and put the needs of others ahead of their own.

9. Interrupted Plans

ENFJs are judgmental personalities that detest interrupted plans. They are frustrated by interruptions, people who put off their duties till the last minute, and poorly structured situations. 

Although they don’t necessarily need to keep it spotless, ENFJs take responsibility for their surroundings and make an effort to set it up such that it serves the requirements of others.

10. Improper communication patterns

People with ENFJ inclinations frequently become stressed out by what they perceive to be a communication gap in a team or group since they are so community-minded. They must believe that their views are being taken seriously. 

Working alone or with unwilling colleagues may also be quite stressful for ENFJs since it limits their ability to strategize or consider the broader picture. They detest waiting or unanticipated disruptions that interfere with their regularly organized plans.

Ways to cope with stress in ENFJ personalities

So based on your Myer-Briggs type here are some tips to cope with stress

  • In your dominant, you like to start new projects, switch up your routine, and confide in a sympathetic companion or in yourself through writing. You may consider how you operate at your peak. Make an effort to intentionally create more scenarios like these.
  • Recognize when you are spending a lot of time working on something you would rather not do. Ask for assistance, take pauses, spend time alone, write in a diary, or discuss it with someone who isn’t involved. Stress might cause you to become extremely judgmental and bossy, become distracted by illogical arguments, and start constantly looking for solutions in books or strange beliefs.
  • Your eagerness to assist others and accomplish your goals may cause you to overcommit and get overburdened with work.

You can develop reasonable expectations for both yourself and others and learn to strike a balance between idealism and realism.

  • You need to be careful not to read personal criticism into corrected feedback.

Thus you can consider the suggestions after acknowledging them. Think of it as a resource for your own development.

  • Regularly examine your own commitments and principles to keep a balance.

So you can take on new endeavors, take pauses, and take care of your needs for solitude and rest. To help you relax and recharge on hectic days, plan ahead and schedule breaks. Spend some time before significant occasions thinking things out with a third party or writing to you in a diary.

  • Write out the steps you’ll take to adjust and flex outside of your preferences in order to control stress triggers.

You may try a, start, continue and stop exercise to make the process of carrying out frequent acts more straightforward.

10 other techniques of coping with stress by ENFJ personalities

In trying times, stress is an obvious response. All the 16 personality types have their own ways of coping and ENFJs are no different. They also use certain strategies to nullify their stress responses and feel better about the situation. 

Some of the best coping skills that these extroverts use are discussed below:

1. Meditation

Most likely, you’ve previously tried yoga, meditation, or some other kind of relaxation techniques. They may either cope with stress or because it sparks their creativity. 

Some individuals who attempt these hobbies, however, actually persist with them throughout time, and it’s possible that you weren’t one of them. 

The lack of fast results may have made you impatient, or the novelty may have worn off and you lost interest. You may have lost faith in the efficacy of such methods due to your tendency to judge others. 

For those who worry excessively or have trouble managing their anxiety, they can and do work and may be of great assistance.

2. Place Your Trust in a Friend

When under stress, ENFJs like to have the support and assurance of a close friend or relative. They desire to be heard, to have their emotions recognized, and to be affirmed for their abilities and accomplishments.

3. Exercise

The MBTI Manual found that ENFJs were most likely to use exercise as a stress-reduction strategy. Exercise helps the ENFJ connect with their tertiary Sensing function in addition to releasing potent endorphins in the brain that lower stress. 

By using their tertiary function, many people can lessen tension or disengage from a grasp reaction. 

Exercise helps ENFJs focus on the physical world by enhancing their Extraverted Sensing. It frees them from using their subpar cognitive function while preventing them from using their overused intuitive or feeling functions.

4. Get a vacation

Sometimes ENFJs need to escape the stressful situation they are in and re-immerse themselves in a different setting. This is particularly true if the setting they were in was tense or critical.

5. Watch a film

By focusing on someone else’s tale, ENFJs can occasionally decompress and feel less stressed. They may unwind and take a break by watching a funny movie. They can also tap into their emotions and sense sides. 

A movie may provide an enjoyable break from the worries and stresses that ENFJs have since they have a tendency to be hard on themselves and work extremely hard.

6. Maintaining a dairy

ENFJs who can express their emotions in writing frequently have a greater understanding of them. This enables individuals to process their emotions through Extraverted Feeling and express them on paper. 

When an ENFJ reads back their journal post to themself, they are frequently more able to comprehend and understand their feelings than before since Fe needs to hear or see emotions in an external way in order to understand them.

7. Being determined in adverse situations

When under stress, ENFJs might feel more capable and determined if they keep in mind that these difficulties have the potential to make them more robust and powerful. Having a satisfying personal outcome like this as a result of their stress might aid them in maintaining their resolve and concentration.

8. Engaging in self-care

When ENFJs remember to take care of their own needs, they are more likely to feel driven. They occasionally neglect to take care of themselves, which can be detrimental to their wellbeing. They’ll feel much more energized if they can step back and look for themselves.

9. Doing productive work

ENFJs will feel more satisfied and successful when they can work on stimulating projects. They’ll be able to utilize their skills effectively and take pleasure in the task they’re doing, both of which are likely to increase their level of engagement at work.

10. Speaking in an ENFJ manner

Like everyone else, you can benefit from hearing input from individuals you can trust when you’re feeling anxious or upset. People who are familiar with you will be aware of your propensity for concern and will know better than most what to say to make you feel better. 

You naturally need to speak out about your issues and worries if you’re an ENFP. In most cases, talking about them in a nonjudgmental setting with friends or family members will make you feel better. 

Making it a routine to talk about your problems with close friends and family members may help you ultimately learn to anticipate what they would say, which might be sufficient to lessen or even get rid of your anxiety.

To Sum Up

Since bad things may and will happen, worrying is a normal human reaction. However, since concern is passive, it has no relationship with finding solutions to issues or working on oneself. 

Being an ENFJ, even if you stopped worrying altogether, you would still be able to assist others in times of need and react to genuine emergencies. 

Stressing over something is an ineffective reaction to an unreal situation since it pertains to events that have not yet occurred. 

ENFJ personality types have high expectations for both themselves and the people they care about. They are passionate while urging people to strive for greatness because they find potential for self-development and self-improvement everywhere. Because of this, they become great companions and instructors.