ENTP Myers Briggs is a clever, innovative, and expressive individual who loves spending time with people. They always work with various ideas. Hence, these individuals are known as ‘the visionary’, ‘the debater’, and ‘the innovator.’

People with this personality type have very little interest in the current details. They focus more on generating theories and ideas. 

Due to this reason, ENTPs come up with consecutive ideas without moving forward with concrete plans and actions to ensure their creative ideas bring the right results.

ENTP personality type people are inspirational and love to innovate. They find motivation in finding solutions to problems that seem intellectually challenging. Their curiosity is such that they always look to comprehend different aspects, including systems, people, and principles, which surround their life.

Let us discuss more of these people in this post –

ENTP Myers Briggs Type – How Do They Appear?

ENTPs are extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving people. These four letters describe these individuals as expressive, who depend on their logic and intuition to make decisions, think about stuff in detail, and see things from different perspectives.

An ENTP is one of the 16 personality types we come across in different models based on Psychiatrist Carl Jung’s work. They are extroverted individuals who love dealing with people in their life. These people have open minds and deal with situations unconventionally.

ENTP personalities love to analyze, understand, and influence others. They enjoy playing with wide-ranging ideas and indulge in arguments. These people know how to react funnily without thinking for long. Their excellent command over the language does a world of good in executing any plan with perfection.

It allows them to stay ahead of others. They do not hesitate to poke fun at their habits and unconventional activities in a sporting manner. Even though ENTPs love challenging others, they always prefer to let others live and expect the same from them. It is rare to find an ENTP judging anyone, but they might showcase very little patience for all those who cannot keep up with their standard.

ENTPs have Extroverted Intuition as their dominant function. Their extraverted intuitive function allows them to explore various possibilities present in the external world. They do so successfully because of having an open mind. When they manage to gather information, ENTPs spend quality time making connections between several complex and interconnected relationships.

Challenges tend to make these people energetic. They gather inspiration when they can solve problems, which others find tough to handle. ENTPs possess confidence in their ability to think creatively. They may even assume that others are too much involved in tradition to see any new opening.

Visionaries depend on their ingenuity to deal with their overall environment, comprising people, situations, and issues. They rarely make time for preparation, hence tackling everything on the go. These people would often hop into new circumstances and back themselves to adapt to them as they go along in their journey.

As they are a perceiving type, ENTPs approach their life with freedom and spontaneity. They prefer to keep their options open than have a concrete plan of action. The latter makes them feel as if their free-flowing nature is getting stifled. These people look at structure and routine as things that can only put restrictions on their life. They require flexibility to lead life in their way. ENTPs can adapt to new situations and suffer from frustration because of their daily routine.

People tend to look at this individual as someone charming and friendly. ENTPs usually want others to see them as clever. They might want to impress others with their humor and intelligence. There is always an intense level of curiosity among these people. They love to stay aware of the happenings and check how things work.

This Myers-Briggs personality has no respect for rules. They want to break them at any cost and proceed toward doing things as they want. ENTPs love to look for drawbacks within a system. Once they find them, they try to figure out how to use those opportunities to their advantage.

Visionaries have Introverted Thinking as their auxiliary function. It allows them to behave logically and objectively. While making decisions, ENTPs focus on evidence that seems rational instead of focusing on emotional and subjective information.

Similarly, this tertiary function of extraverted feeling is not well developed within this personality. During this stage, ENTPs would be insensitive toward others’ emotions and remain aloof at the time of their needs. When it does, it allows ENTPs to focus on shared value systems, hence making them gain maximum benefit and emotional dynamism.

The level of enthusiasm for innovation among these individuals is infectious. They have the innate ability to make people follow their plans. These people always look at the big picture and do not bother about minute details. Hence, they find themselves completely at a loss when a situation demands them to check out the details.

ENTP Type Description

The abbreviation of four letters suggests ENTPs as extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving types. As extroverts, they love spending time with people and gain a lot of energy from doing so. These people bother about concepts and ideas. They make decisions based on logical reasoning and prefer to remain flexible and spontaneous.

People often refer to them as Lawyers. ENTPs possess the ability to understand any situation accurately and quickly. Then they act upon a scenario by taking an objective and logical approach.

These individuals feel at ease when they use their mental agility, engage in fluent conversations, and exchange different viewpoints with others. 

They love engaging in debates on several issues and might not hesitate to switch sides for their love of debating. When they raise their hidden principles, they might feel awkward and start speaking intensely.

1. Extroverted

This personality trait of an ENTP makes them talkative, enthusiastic, action-oriented, outgoing, and friendly. They love being the center of attraction. These people have a massive social circle and enjoy involving themselves in group activities. Extroverts do not spend much time playing with their thoughts before conversing with strangers.

They take great interest in knowing what is happening in others’ lives. They intend to explore their surroundings and organize their thoughts in the process. These individuals are open-minded and always ready to receive suggestions from people. Hence, they do not even hesitate to share their problems.

2. Intuitive

A person with an ENTP personality carries intuitive characteristics. It enables them to exercise their vivid imagination as they look for novel ideas and possibilities. These people lead their daily lives just like a person with any other personality type. While they do so, their minds look within and simultaneously focus on something else.

Due to their intuitive nature, ENTPs do not turn out to be the most practical people around in society. They tend to give deeper meanings to various things in their lives. As they let their imaginations run free, ENTPs might dive too quickly into more complicated matters.

3. Thinking

Introverted thinking is the auxiliary function of an ENTP. They always try to find relationships between various objects and draw conclusions based on logic. While making decisions, they put great emphasis on rational objectives. They stay away from emotions and other aspects subject to changes taking place out of change in circumstances.

It enables them to look for a constant modification of this aspect whenever any new information comes into the fray and stays uncovered. They are willing to absorb details and facts and make necessary adjustments in their decision-making process.

4. Perceiving

As perceivers, ENTP are always willing to live in the moment and deal with it. They do not prefer to plan everything and act accordingly. It makes them feel as if their spontaneity is getting stifled. Hence, these individuals need to change set rules and formulate new regulations as per their convenience.

They are always looking to innovate and find the motivation to find new solutions to problems, which seem intellectually challenging. ENTPs, due to their perceiving nature, remain curious to comprehend systems, people, and principles that surround their lives. These people intend to analyze them, understand their objectives, and influence others to do the same.

The Personality Profile of an ENTP

If you are an ENTP, your primary mode of leading your life is external. You absorb things primarily through your intuition. You also possess a secondary way of leading life. It is where you manage to deal with things rationally and logically. The dominant function of this personality type is Extraverted Intuition. It reflects that their primary interest is to understand the world at large.

They regularly look to absorb various images and ideas about all the situations they face in life. As they use their intuition to process this information, they tend to be fast and accurate in measuring the importance of a scenario. Hence, ENTPs develop a deeper understanding of their surroundings than any other personality type.

Their potential to intuitively know people and situations puts an ENTP at a distinct advantage during their life. They have tremendous flexibility to adapt themselves under all kinds of circumstances. ENTPs never get perturbed when they face difficult situations from time to time. These people have the potential to find concrete solutions to all sorts of problems.

It comes through due to the gradual growth in their intuitive abilities. They become much more aware of the possibilities that lie on the horizon. Their ability to investigate things from different perspectives help ENTPs in unlocking those possibilities and make the best use of them across personal and professional lives.

The Chief Personality Traits That Make Up Your Personality Type

Some of the significant traits of an ENTP are –

  • They are adventurous and look for new things to explore in life.
  • Manages to adapt themselves under various circumstances.
  • ENTPs have the innate desire to invent new things.
  • They are quick-witted and use their intelligence to overcome complex problems.
  • An ENTP is always curious to know things happening around the world.
  •  Individuals belonging to this Myers-Briggs personality type are open-minded.
  • ENTPs are spontaneous and hence hate planning things.
  • These people live by their ideals as they can entertain new ideas now and then.
  • They do not refrain from getting into arguments with others to prove their point.
  • An ENTP will never think much before making their decisions. They prefer working on impulse.
  • Lacks the ability to see things from others’ perspectives, hence coming off as insensitive.
  • Their habit of procrastinating makes them unable to focus on matters of great importance.

How common are ENTPs?

ENTPs are comparatively rare among all other Myers-Briggs personality types. In the United States, they make up only 2-5% of the total population. Around 3% of the world population identifies themselves as ENTP.

ENTPs are more common among men than women. Around 4% of men carry this personality type compared to only 2% of women. A detailed online personality testing method might reveal further details in the future.

What Causes Delight Among ENTPs?

ENTPs are carefree individuals who tend to entertain different kinds of ideas in their minds. They keep their options open and do not refrain from accepting new suggestions, which might come from various quarters.

  • ENTPs love spending time with people.
  • They enjoy getting into debates over various topics.
  • ENTPs love nurturing several ideas at a time.
  • These people look forward to exchanging those ideas with others.
  • They love seeing things from different perspectives and creating new stuff.
  • An ENTP always prefers to adopt unconventional approaches to solving problems.
  • This Myers-Briggs personality type individual prefers to act with spontaneity.
  • ENTPs like to deal with intellectually challenging situations.
  • These individuals love to lead others and make them follow in their footsteps.
  •  They always like to work with the bigger picture in mind.

What ENTPs Hate?

As ENTPs are extroverts, they are expressive and outgoing people. Hence, they hate those situations that let them tackle life’s issues alone. Such scenarios make them feel as if their purpose in life is lost.

They even do not prefer circumstances that contain rigidity because of stringent rules and regulations. An ENTP tends to suffer from suffocation when someone puts them under undue restrictions, stifling their freedom.

These people love acting with spontaneity and make changes to lead a life at their convenience. It enables them to exercise their vivid imagination and nurture different ideas.

Let us now see the following things that ENTPs hate in their personal and professional lives –

  • ENTPs hate ideas that contain no logic and are subjective.
  • They do not like being in an environment that makes them abide by rules and regulations.
  • An ENTP hates doing monotonous work which does not offer any scope for creativity.
  • These individuals hate if they fail to connect with others.
  • ENTPs always strive for excellence. Hence, they hate anything that has mediocrity.
  • Hate all those people who do not live up to their set standards.
  • They keep their options open and hence hate making commitments in life.
  •  This Myers-Briggs personality type does not like making irrational decisions.
  • ENTPs hate thinking of any situation that might make them lose their loved ones.
  • An ENTP does not like it if they fail to stand out.

ENTP Learning Style

The learning style of ENTPs is highly conceptual, innovative, and abstract. They remain on the lookout for relationships and connections between various concepts. These extroverted individuals always prefer having an open-minded and explanatory environment where there is the freedom to ask questions.

Moreover, they do not prefer highly methodical learning environments and learning that involves lectures, which contain numerous facts. ENTPs like it when they can work on a model that enables them to fill in their relevant details. 

  • ENTPs prefer to undergo learning which allows them to integrate, frame strategies, draw inferences and attain desired results.
  • They make sure to engage in debates to put forward their viewpoints whenever a teacher teaches any subject.
  • Enhancement of their learning experience tends to grow when ENTPs grasp knowledge under flexible rules and structures.
  • These people love to enrich their knowledge by exchanging ideas with other students and offering creative solutions to problems.
  • ENTPs excel with those teachers who encourage them to nurture their varieties of ideas and perspectives.

To Sum Up

ENTPs are people who possess extroverted personalities. They are naturally drawn toward people and like spending most of their time with them. Hence, these individuals thrive in work environments that let them work in teams.

An ENTP will always like to keep an open mind. They encourage others to offer ideas and suggestions based on logic and objectivity. If anyone fails to live up to their standard, ENTPs become irritated.

ENTPs carry several other weak links, which include insensitivity toward others, inability to focus on matters of great importance, and not knowing how to manage time. If this Myers Briggs personality type person can work on these weaknesses and focus on their strengths, it can help them grow as individuals.