INTJ cognitive functions symbolize their unique personality type. These finer mental processes depict how an INTJ perceives information from their immediate surroundings, processes them, and makes decisive decisions out of it.

Famous psychologist Carl Jung had stated that the way each personality type behaves, as well as their personality traits and characteristics, depends on their cognitive functioning style.

People with an INTJ personality type are totally reliant on intuition and thinking functions to make sense of this world. They chose logic above emotions in all aspects of life.

Before moving to a detailed discussion on INTJ functional stack, let us take a brief look at their cognitive functioning techniques and how they operate in their everyday life.

INTJ cognitive functions

The INTJ personality type is considered one of the most uncommon, as you may already be aware if you’ve ever looked into the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). If you recently took the test and received the INTJ designation, you might be curious as to what it signifies. 

The INTJ personality type is intellectual, concept-focused, and logical. INTJs have introverted intuition as their dominant function, extroverted thinking as their auxiliary, introverted feeling as their tertiary, and extroverted sensing as inferior, according to the Myers-Briggs functional stack study. This leads to a special and beneficial fusion of logical and intuitive thinking.

Thus, you now understand that every mental process in the hierarchy has a unique name and description. For instance, typing out Introverted Intuition as the INTJ’s primary function every time we mention it would make the text quite wordy.

 In the personality type community, Introverted Intuition is referred to by the acronym “Ni.” Although the function’s name is capitalized (N for intuition), the function’s direction is lowercase (I for introverted).

Now that we know how the thinking style of an INTJ works, let us dive deeper into a detailed description of what being an INTJ means.


INTJs are naturally reserved. Like many people with introverted tendencies, INTJs benefit from time alone to “recharge their batteries.” Additionally, INTJs depend more on insight than on feeling. 

This indicates that they frequently “just know” things or comprehend in ways that other personality types do not. This intuition could appear to some as a superpower or a sixth sense. It enables them to comprehend and resolve issues that would otherwise be too complex for them to solve using their logical problem-solving abilities. 


INTJs excel in planning, analyzing, and thinking like focusing on the big picture. While an INTJ’s intuition may be the primary factor in processing information, making decisions and solving problems, logical and critical thinking abilities are present to support that intuition. 

INTJs employ their introverted intuition to consider possibilities, patterns, and deeper meanings. They are more fascinated in the implications of the facts than they are in just examining the facts themselves.


A person with an INTJ mentality prioritizes logic and factual facts over subjective feelings. They find it awkward when others talk about their feelings. INTJs are frequently accused of being emotionless and frigid. 

This isn’t so much a result of INTJs not experiencing things; they are just like everyone else in that they feel things. 

They simply aren’t always able to verbalize these feelings. INTJs typically have strong emotional bonds with a select group of individuals, such as their family and a few acquaintances. They frequently lack interest in chit-chat and social networking, but they treat their relationships seriously. 


INTJs are noted for their ability to assimilate information and absorb new material, yet they frequently have trouble memorizing simple facts. This is partly because of their sensing function; rather than detecting and monitoring the specifics, they prefer to sense the environment and understand it instinctively. 

INTJs favor carefully weighing all of their alternatives before taking action, one step at a time. In this way, if anything doesn’t go as planned, they may adjust or alter their route to take the new information into consideration. 

In addition, INTJs may require some time to reflect on events before they fully comprehend their emotions. When it comes to significant decisions, it’s frequently helpful for them to have some time to consider all the options.

The description of cognitive functions

As you know, some INTJs are so immersed in their own minds that their perception of reality deviates from what most people would consider reality. 

They can grow a powerful imagination that enables them to generate entirely original thoughts since they are free to think about things outside of the conventional parameters that most people take into account. 

They could even be able to do things that other people would think were impossible. However, this image may also be dangerous if they are cut off from stimuli. 

They require feedback from others to help them determine when their ideas are fantastic and when they are somewhat out there. 

An approach that is frequently used and is particularly beneficial for INTJs is to develop a simplified beta version of their concept before releasing it to the public to gauge reaction. 

If all goes according to plan, they may begin introducing more features and ideas and engage in small talks with others. Otherwise, they might want to go back and rework the basic idea or attempt a whole other approach.

1. Dominant cognitive function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)

This is the primary and most important cognitive functioning style of INTJs individuals. They rely a lot on their instincts. These individuals base their inner perceptions on real world materials and stick to their instincts. 

INTJs also enjoy finding out a unique solution to a complicated problem. They always focus on the big picture. 

This helps them in problem solving. They are usually not interested in concrete details, but rather look out for abstract meanings and information.

INTJs are drawn to patterns, and because of their introverted intuition, they may explore opportunities and linkages that many other people are unable to see. 

  • INTJs want to delve deeper into the significance of facts and approach issues from several angles rather than merely seeing facts as physical things. Plans and future goals are carefully considered by INTJs.
  • Additionally, they have great chronological memory and are skilled at memorizing information other than just the facts. The mass of INTJs is great at putting things together, seeing connections, and noticing patterns, which renders them excellent analysts of life, especially when another individual is deceitful or manipulative. INTJs are notorious for trying to “fix things” in their own life or the lives of people closest to them, and when they see a problem, they look for a solution.
  • This may cause them to appear heartless and emotionless. However, because INTJs typically spot solutions that others might have overlooked, they can excel as team leaders and leaders in a professional context.

2. Auxiliary cognitive function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Extraverted thinking is an INTJ personality trait that serves as a supplementary function. The auxiliary function of INTJs is extraverted thinking. This implies that they seek to find order, control, and structure in their surrounding world. Emotion does not play a role for them while making decisions. They use logic and engage in rational thinking.

  • The extraverted thinking style of INTJs enables them to discover structure and order in our chaotic environment. Watch how precise an INTJ can be; this will show you how they often use their emotionally expressive thinking to solve difficulties. 
  • Due to their extraverted thinking style, INTJs like coming to logical conclusions. When it comes to categorizing what they observe in their environment into structures and occurrence linkages, and by doing that INTJs flourish. 
  • This trait contributes to the impression that INTJs lack feeling. First and foremost, they are thinkers who strive to rationally solve issues and are more concerned with achieving outcomes than pleasing others. This does not imply that they are feeling anything. It just implies that they act rationally and more privately than the majority of people do.

3. Tertiary cognitive function: Introverted feeling (Fi)

This is present in people with INTJ personality type to a lesser degree. This component allows them to give importance to values while making decisions. The introverted feeling is the INTJ’s tertiary cognitive function. 

  • Since this function is secondary to their main and auxiliary functions, INTJs do use it, but not as frequently. As a result, INTJs exhibit indications of introversion, albeit maybe not to the same extent as certain other introverted types.
  • Some INTJs excel at cultivating this function, which enables them to comprehend principles and sentiments when they make important judgments. 
  • This implies that INTJs frequently connect themselves with others who have comparable ideals and emotional experiences.

4. Inferior cognitive function- Extraverted Sensing (Se)

The least developed cognitive and weaker functions for all INTJs are extraverted sensing. This is the least developed function or the tertiary function in INTJs. Because of this functioning, INTJs can process information through their senses. This also lets them enjoy the present moment they are in.

  • It is fundamentally weaker than the other functions since it is the last function. The Se function is the more earthy side of the INTJs that enables them to interact with their surroundings.
  •  INTJs are easily exhausted if they are required to interact with others or their environment for extended periods. 
  • Although INTJs seldom use this function, when they do, they are pretty skilled at acquiring information from their minds. INTJs choose not to always rely on their ability to connect to their environment, even though they are skilled at doing so. 

To Sum Up

You now can understand that INTJs if made to engage with the real environment for a long time, they might become exhausted. It’s a good idea to discover ways to lessen this drain so that they can focus their creative talents on what they do best. 

They may also become trapped in Ni-Fi loops, where they imagine a whole subjective reality based on scant information. 

 It is also important to keep INTJs grounded in reality and from becoming too distracted in these types of circumstances, it’s critical that they are surrounded by nice people. 

When they worry about all the minor practical matters of staying alive in the uncertain actual world it causes them immense distress. Thus, by keeping in mind their distinguished personality type, one can be efficient to deal with them by understanding their unique cognitive processes.