INTP Workplace should offer this Myers Briggs personality type the chance to satisfy their intellectual stimulation, freedom for pursuing ideas, and the scope to solve challenging riddles. 

INTP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving personality type. They are flexible in their thought process and enjoy adopting an unorthodox approach to various aspects of life.

These people love to come across environments that give sufficient space to work independently. They like working in complete privacy and internally processing their thoughts without interference from others. Despite their tendency to carry out responsibilities, their best work comes out when they can collaborate with people.

INTPs are also known as Logisticians. It is because they use logic to make their decisions in their personal and professional lives. 

These people use their heads for guidance in their path in life. They quickly come up with various insights and thoughts but take time to decide what they must do with them.

The following article will deal with how an INTP carries out different roles in an organization. It will discuss how they resolve conflict among colleagues, and the communication style they adopt, which makes them stand out among all the other 16 personality types. You can take an online personality test to determine your type.

INTP Workplace

In the workplace, INTPs receive motivation from solving complicated problems uniquely and innovatively. They are also known as Architects for their ability to do things differently. These people wish to thoroughly analyze ideas and systems to create a deep understanding and love designing creative solutions to highly abstract issues.

INTP personality type people do not prefer working in traditional setups. They like creating their path toward innovation. These individuals believe that rules and bureaucracy tend to restrict their independence with their ability to think freely. INTPs are more in tune with theoretical ideas than they feel with their practical applications.

Their focus lies on creating an idea and leaving the stressful work of implementing the details to some other person. They do not enjoy going through minute details. These people always prefer looking into the big picture. 

INTPs perform at their best in those workplaces that let them work independently. This Myers-Briggs personality type also likes spending time with a small group of co-workers whom they perceive as logical and competent.

The dominant function of an INTP is Introverted Thinking. It focuses on how these people accept information about this world. They use this function by looking to understand how everything works out.

These individuals often break down broad ideas to consider the smaller components. It enables them to see how things function. They are efficient and logical thinkers. INTPs always prefer to have a good level of understanding about something before they intend to act.

People with this Myers Briggs personality type become tired of colleagues who act aggressively or happen to be quite overbearing. They are dismissive of all those who cannot match their intelligence or wit. A perfectly suitable organization for people with this personality type is non-traditional and flexible. It must value originality and inventiveness over conformity.

An INTP possesses great problem-solving skills. Hence, they will always thrive in those jobs which allow them to resolve theoretical or complex problems by implementing new creative solutions. They must encourage these individuals to think differently. These people can make them adopt different approaches to meeting their objectives.

It is now time to discuss the different roles of an INTP person in the workplace and see how they manage their responsibilities for attaining success in their careers.

INTP as a Colleague

When an INTP personality type individual is your colleague, he will come across as thoughtful and analytical. They have a clear and in-depth understanding of complicated problems. This person shows more interest in theoretical questions behind any team’s objective. 

They can assist the group in identifying crucial principles and generating creative ideas. As a colleague, an INTP always engages with the team’s vision. The professional analyzes it rationally and objectively, hence offering different possibilities and options. INTP works well in a group that gives freedom to use their originality to analyze logical problems.

These people possess the skill and expertise to offer creative solutions. They hate following established rules and procedures for carrying out their responsibilities. An INTP can come across colleagues who show high loyalty toward the following tradition. When that happens, they will likely face arguments with this Myers-Briggs personality type individual.

INTPs give preference to working with independence. Thus, being around employees who abide by rules and regulations can disturb them. There is every chance that they will feel suffocated and uncomfortable in that work environment. Debating is an attractive option only if their colleagues can live up to their standards.

Gossips and backbiting are two things INTPs hate doing in offices. They would prefer to do something productive. It refers to something which will help them advance in their career, hence making the organization grow and develop.

Even though you can find INTP colleagues who love focus, they have intense cravings for variety. Those who build concrete relationships with teammates are likely to receive recommendations from team members. They are regarding their need to contribute with expertise and creative ideas to new assignments.

INTPs can become helpful collaborators. They remain at the cutting edge of some of the most interesting things that keep happening in the workplace.

INTP as a Subordinate

In an organization, you can find that an INTP personality type individual is working as a subordinate. When the conditions are right, these subordinates can be innovative and resourceful. They can easily invest time thinking about complicated problems and finding creative solutions.

Problems arise when any office environment restricts the use of their independent nature and creative mind. Thereby, the workplace forces them into doing monotonous work. It serves as the perfect ingredient for INTPs to lose motivation to carry out responsibilities in the desired manner.

These people might find themselves in an unfortunate catch-22 situation, where confusion can occupy their minds. An INTP employee will have the temptation to put off tasks that bore them or are not up to their standard. On the other hand, unless they pay off their dues by doing those tasks, their boss will probably not give them the freedom they desire.

Even though an INTP subordinate might feel they could easily skip and focus on exciting work, it will not be as easy as it seems. They will need to prove their capability to their senior managers first. Only after receiving their approval will he proceed with his plan.

The positive news is that working in the capacity of a subordinate can work to the advantage of an INTP person. It can make them learn new habits and skills, which might help them get success later in their career. People with this personality type possess several strengths. Unfortunately, project completion is not one of them.

A manager can assign tasks that require creativity to see how they perform. If an INTP subordinate performs as per their expectations, it might be the stepping stone toward their growth and development.

INTP as a Manager

If an INTP gets to play the role of a manager in their workplace, they will enjoy the position. These people do not care much about exercising power over others. When an individual with this personality type takes charge, they can delegate administrative responsibilities. Soon after, they start suffering from boredom and shift their focus to something better.

They will entertain new ideas that keep playing in their minds. As a manager, INTPs are flexible and have a high tolerance level. They have an open mind, accept suggestions from others as long as they are logical, and provide their employees with a decent amount of freedom to work.

Now, employees have to pay the price to attain this freedom. INTP managers set very high standards. Hence, they expect others to grasp their viewpoints quickly, implement them and offer suggestions for possible improvements. 

Bosses belonging to the INTP personality type tend to have a reputation for being perfect. They have the habit of recognizing discrepancies in their employees’ work. An INTP manager might not hold back from giving negative feedback.

The good thing is, as INTP managers gain experience, they realize an important thing. They discover that one must strike the right balance between praise, encouragement, and criticism. It will allow team members to keep their morale high and deliver better results.

INTP Personality Type and Workplace Communication

Everyone in this world has a specific style of communicating with one another. People do so as per their nature and type of personality. The same applies to an INTP person.

INTPs always try to segregate everything around them into different categories. Then they go ahead toward validating those categorizations. These individuals feel the best whenever their categorizations are logically correct.

While communicating, an INTP person comes across as someone who respects others. They make thoughtful decisions and give their opinions to the point. There are occasions when they appear remote and always spend time with themselves. 

They might seem to lack the art of acting cordially and showing warmth. When they spend time with people with a similar level of intelligence, INTPs can get into intense debates or discussions.

These individuals tend to keep a safe distance from acquaintances that seem superficial. Thus, they try to maintain their social circle of colleagues and other like-minded people. They assess situations objectively. It is applicable when discussing delicate matters.

INTPs give the impression to their colleagues that they are somewhat closed and maintain distance while conversing with others. They tend to keep their thoughts within themselves. These are the situations where people with this personality type think of creating new ideas. They can implement them while undertaking various professional responsibilities.

There are people who can accumulate the reasons behind INTPs’ inclination toward being distant. Once that happens, they could start a conversation by giving a condemning comment concerning the categories they make.

An INTP engages with others by asking only objective questions. It enables them to understand their thought process completely. 

Colleagues and other senior professionals should understand while communicating with INTPs that they must avoid being too emotional. These people should not use such language that clearly expresses their emotions. Instead, they must focus on being straightforward and logical.

An INTP professional does not have too many contacts in the business. Nevertheless, their communication can be intense. 

One can explain this as their colleagues consider it significant to get an in-depth expert opinion on several professional issues. They exclude exchanging ideas, viewpoints, and systematic and conceptual approaches.

Business Meeting with an INTP Personality Type

Professionals must keep meetings to a minimum level with an INTP. INTPs always focus on the big picture and do not bother much about the details when they attend a meeting. Hence, one mustn’t waste time talking about the nitty-gritty of a project.

Otherwise, it will not take much time for this personality type to lose interest. Then, they will start feeling bored in a meeting. Hence, one must respect an INTPs’  time and give them the necessary space.

It is possible if the meeting is short and to the point. You must give complete independence to express your views. One must encourage them to offer creative ideas for solving different issues.

These meetings will be fruitful for INTPs if things happen as per their expectations. They must get the chance to give input. Those are regarding how the business can propel further and meet the organizational requirements.

INTP Personality Type and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Whenever any conflicting situation arises in a workplace, an INTP person looks to make compromises. These individuals view conflict as a significant part of their professional life. Hence, they will always try to stay as logical as possible while finding a solution.

People with this Myers Briggs personality would require time to analyze the same from all angles. It helps them know further details about the problem before facing it head-on.

INTPs never wish to seek conflicts in their workplaces. They always try to ignore them until they feel it is necessary to address them for the long-term benefit of an organization. When an INTP decides to resolve conflict, it will consider the benefits and drawbacks, causes and effects, and innovative solutions.

They will always wish to hear others’ perspectives. Unfortunately, they will soon lose interest if they must listen to emotional reactions for a long time. INTPs aim to undertake just and open-minded discussions. These people will adopt a rational approach and receive input from all parties involved in the conflict.

To Sum Up

It feels great for employees and managers to have an INTP personality type individual in their organization. They are logical and analytical and can offer innovative ideas. These aspects solve critical problems and help attain the desired objectives.

These people thrive in those workplaces which give them the privilege to use their freedom and creativity to express their ideas. They respect others’ opinions when they communicate, discuss the bigger picture in a meeting and consider a systematic approach to resolving conflicts.