When we look at ISTP vs. INTP, they tend to possess similar personality characteristics. They are introverts, thinkers, and perceivers rather than extroverts, judgers, or feelers.

The main difference lies in their focus. ISTPs depend on their senses, while INTPs are intuitive individuals.

Read on to know their similar and contrasting features –


Even though both ISTP and INTP personality types are introverted, there are subtle differences in characteristics that set them apart from one another. People can take online personality tests to know their exact personalities.

Hence, they can mold their lifestyle accordingly. It is necessary to understand that every individual can grow from their default behaviors. They must learn ways to balance themselves between extremes.

Both these personality types are introverts. Hence, they are shy, reserved, and like spending time alone. ISTP personality type people tend to be curious, confident, and pragmatic in their behavior. They are spontaneous and unpredictable but tend to stay quiet. These individuals prefer to think and process information within themselves.

ISTP and INTP people possess Introverted, Thinking, and Perceiving personalities. They always prefer to keep their thoughts within themselves, prioritize logical thinking and avoid following schedules.

Both are confident and keep cool heads on their shoulders. Even then, they must feel free to express themselves directly with clarity.

These extroverted personality types must adopt a direct approach to resolving conflicts. ISTPs need to solve an issue by dealing with the facts of a situation. On the other hand, INTPs should stay patient and let the other person focus on the present situation.

Let us now have a deeper understanding of the similarities and contrasting features of these two introvert personality types –

The Points of Similarities between ISTP and INTP

ISTP and INTP personality types must relate to each other. It comes as a result of sharing inferior and dominant functions. Both tend to stay emotionally detached, not only from others but also from themselves. It is because emotional situations are emotionally and physically draining for them.

ISTPs and INTPs have introverted thinking as their dominant cognitive function. Similarly, they possess extraverted feelings as their inferior cognitive function. As both are perceivers, they always look to explore and experience. Still, the things they prefer exploring and why might differ.

As ISTP and INTP are dominant introverts, both manage to be far more passive. They prefer to think first and then act. It is where ISTPs’ extraverted sensing (Se) comes up as the auxiliary cognitive function. Due to this reason, both these types might require help looking for new experiences from their more extroverted personalities.

There are several similarities between these two Myers-Briggs types of personalities. They are as follows –

  • In ISTP and INTP personality types, the dominant function is introverted thinking. It is how each personality type absorbs and processes information concerning the world surrounding them.
  • People of these personality types always use their logic to make proper sense of the happenings across the world. As this function is introverted, it denotes that ISTP and INTP individuals will accept facts and occurrences and process them in their minds.
  • These people manage to upgrade their knowledge about how the environment works out. Then they implement this information in real-life situations.
  • There is less likelihood that ISTPs and INTPs will allow feelings to influence their decision-making processes. Still, they care about doing their best to ensure the greater good.
  • Both these introverted personalities might seem insensitive or uncaring. The reality is that logic and order are two ways through which they intend to make the proper sense of things.
  • The introverted nature of ISTPs and INTPs mean that these two personalities love spending time with few close friends. Even when that happens, they will still require time to reflect on their choices to feel re-energized and refreshed.
  • Both these personalities are friendly with all the people they know. On the other hand, they tend to stay aloof from the ones they do not feel comfortable engaging in any form.
  • ISTP and INTP people are good speakers. They can elaborate their expressions and also make them deliver in concise forms whenever necessary.
  • These personality types are true champions when they have to help others in distress. They always prefer to help with practical matters. Thus, it enables them to see the best results of their efforts.
  • Both ISTP and INTP have a deep sense of curiosity. They use their hands and minds to figure out different things in their lives.
  • Due to their highly innovative and analytical mindset, both these personality types can solve complex problems. It happens when they get sufficient time to cultivate their ideas. Then, they can take proper form in their minds without any distractions.
  • When in relationships, both the personality types of ISTP and INTP might overlook specific details like giving tokens of affection to express appreciation for their partners, wishing one another happy anniversaries, etc. These individuals might consider them insignificant. They both require acceptance and the freedom to make their relationships work out.
  • Another similar characteristic of these two personalities is that they find it tough to make friends. They might have more acquaintances than all those who allow others to get close to their inner beings.

Despite having several similarities, ISTPs and INTPs do not possess the same personality type. They tend to differ from each other in several ways.

Let us now check out the details of the differences between ISTP and INTP

ISTP vs. INTP – The Key Differences

 ISTPs struggle to express their thought process in words. It happens because they cannot develop a proper connection with their sentiments or feelings. They take a lot of effort to convert their ideas into words, making them resistant toward sharing their thoughts.INTPs, with the help of their Introverted Sensing function (Si), manage to have a concrete connection to their feelings. They will not always share their feelings but do so quite well when someone prompts them.
ISTP personality type people use their Extraverted Sensing and Introverted Intuition to go for brief and to-the-point explanations. They will always go straight to the point. They tend to speak through their actions.INTPs love resorting to detailed explanations, even though they can summarize their thoughts and express them in short. When they get to elaborate while explaining ideas, they are in their comfort zone.
When you look for suggestions from an ISTP individual, they will provide you with one or two reasonable options. Still, the problem is that due to limitations in the available options, you are not sure if they will give your desired results.
INTPs are always ready to offer multiple ideas for resolving issues. There lies a distinct advantage in taking this approach. It is that, even if some do not serve the desired purpose, they have backup options.
ISTPs are more resistant to speculation. They might even totally refuse to engage in it. Their motive is to entertain concrete ideas and work on them. Whenever there is speculation, it takes a lot more effort. It does not turn out to be enjoyable, and hence treats it as pointless.INTPs have no problem accepting abstract ideas. They do so in a playful manner. These people find it easy to engage in random and baseless speculations. People with this personality never doubt the credibility of different ideas but treat them as natural and exciting.
A person with an ISTP personality will also introspect. Gradually, they will find it convenient to develop a deeper connection with someone through conversations rather than focus on actions.An INTP personality type person initially tends to introspect. Then, they will fall back on physical activity whenever their attempt to engage someone on abstract levels fails.
ISTPs can suffer from overthinking if the decision they are about to make carries a lot of weight. Fortunately, people with this personality type can soon give up the speculation. They can opt for something else. Thus, this approach allows them to move on with life.INTPs can easily fall under the trap of overthinking. It happens because they tend to entertain multiple scenarios. These individuals also have a fascination with speculation. They take time to decide and hence, keep hanging on to their thoughts for a long time.
People with ISTP personalities have their complete focus on the present. These individuals do not think it appropriate to spend time thinking of moments in the past. It is because they are aware of the fact that one can never change something that has already happened.INTPs always have the habit of comparing happenings in their present life to similar occurrences in the past. You will find them giving references to earlier life to relate with the events of this life. They do not pay heed to the fact that giving past references only carries meaning if you learn from them.
ISTPs love to focus on the overall idea. If that sounds good for serving their purpose, they will not think twice before accepting it and implementing the same at short notice. Thus, you can easily say that they are flexible.Individuals with INTP personalities focus on the nitty-gritty of every single aspect of life. They will quickly catch hold of inconsistencies, if any, to avoid facing problems in the future. Due to this reason, they are rigid and seek perfection.

To Sum Up

Therefore, from this article, it is evident that ISTPs and INTPs have several similar qualities. Still, they are not the same.

There are subtle differences that may not appear significant from the outside but set them apart from one another. They also influence their behavior and lifestyle to a great extent.