ENFJ vs. INFP both possess intuition-feeling qualities. Thus, they are seekers of truth and knowledge. These two types are emotional, sensitive, and caring towards the needs, wants, and feelings of others. 

On one hand, INFPs are introverts who seek privacy and personal space, while ENFJs are the typical extroverts with outgoing qualities.

Both these types wish to live life purposefully with big dreams to achieve. However, ENFJs are more organized and systematic in their approach while INFPs are spontaneous and flexible. 

ENFJs are committed and focused but INFPs may lose out on motivation and interest to pursue their dreams in the long run. They have an ever changing nature that resists structure and routine living.

In this think piece, we will point out the similarities and differences of these two 16 personality types in a detailed manner for your easier understanding.


The term ENFJ refers to an extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and judgmental type of personality. People with ENFJ personality type are outgoing and proactive. 

They are good “people’s persons” and they love socializing. They also have a natural talent of making others like them. ENFJs love to help others and would even go out of their way to do so.

On the other hand, the acronym INFP stands for an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving type of personality

People with this personality type often tend to be shy and introverted. They prefer spending time on their own. But, like an ENFJ, these individuals also have an inner desire to help others.

Many people call ENFJs as “the giver”. They have very well-developed social skills. They can befriend anyone through their kind, caring ways. For this reason, they are called the “people’s person”. 

On the other hand, INFPs also want to help others, but are often shy. They prefer spending time on their own. Although they experience a wide range of feelings and emotions, they generally keep these emotions bottled, and process them on their own.

In essence, all the similarities and differences between ENFJs and INFPs result from the way their cognitive functioning happens. 

We will now take a look at what these similarities and differences are, in the next section.

The points of similarities between an ENFJ and an INFP

Needless to say, ENFJs and INFPs have some differences among them. But they also have certain similarities. They share a number of compatible functions which helps them in building a relationship with one another.

Let us do a detailed discussion on some of these similarities.

  • Both ENFJs and INFPs are capable of forming meaningful and intimate relationships with others. They desire to make an emotional connection and are caring by nature.
  • ENFJs and INFPs share a common life goal of making the world a better place. They might follow different paths. But both of them have similar ideals and are committed to achieving their goal.
  • Both ENFJs and INFPs have a similar communication style. They understand and analyze a situation in depth and are supportive by nature. They tend to discuss things over before reaching a final conclusion. They accept others’ feelings and have a sense of respect for everyone.
  • Both of them have a high regard for their inner values.
  • ENFJs and INFPs are good at conflict resolution. They assess any difficult situation with compassion and empathy. They have the potential to place themselves in others’ shoes which helps them to judge a situation in the correct way. This, in turn, helps to reduce conflicts in their lives. They both value harmonious relationships.
  • Both of them get attracted to their partners due to similar interests in physical beauty. For example, they may be attracted to the beauty of their partner’s smile.
  • ENFJs and INFPs value personal growth and freedom in a relationship. They give importance to their own life goals and often set forward a path to follow for achieving these goals. Often, couples of ENFJ and INFP type begin their personal growth journeys together.
  • Both of them have high emotional intelligence. Experts consider emotional intelligence as one of the key factors in a successful relationship. This helps them to manage their own emotions and empathize with their partners in case of any distressful situation. As a result, they are both able to form meaningful romantic relationships with their partners, which we have mentioned earlier.
  • Both ENFJs and INFPs enjoy conversations about abstract topics. They prefer to discuss future endeavors and possibilities. They spend a great deal of time conversing about various concepts and their imaginations.
  • Both of these personality types are kind and compassionate. They have a gentle and helpful side to them. It pains them to see others suffer. They are often willing to go to great lengths and even endure sacrifices themselves, in order to help others.

ENFJ vs. INFP – Points of differences

With the help of the following table, let us now take a look at what makes ENFJs and INFPs different.

ENFJ stands for the extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and judgmental type of personality.The acronym INFP refers to an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving individual.
ENFJs are proactive and outgoing.INFP individuals generally tend to keep to themselves.
Individuals with the ENFJ personality type are quite sociable and amicable. They enjoy being in the company of others.People with the INFP personality are shy. They prefer spending time on their own.
ENFJs prefer things to be organized in the proper way. They like to plan and schedule every event well ahead of time.On the other hand, INFPs have a spontaneous and easy-going attitude about everything. They do not care much about planning.
People with the ENFJ personality tend to be quite stubborn. They do not like it when things do not go according to plan, and become upset or angry.INFP individuals, on the contrary, are flexible and open-minded. They can adapt fast under any sudden change of the situation at hand.
ENFJs always want to be the center of attention. They like being under the limelight.Individuals with the INFP personality type hate being in the spotlight. Even if they do some good deed, they do not want to take credit for it, as they fear it will put them under the spotlight.
ENFJ individuals often tend to be anxious. They always worry whether things will go according to their plans or not.On the other hand, INFPs may always seem to be relaxed and calm.
People with the ENFJ personality always adhere to rules and regulations. Not only do they love following rules themselves, but they also want other people around them to do the same.INFPs do not care about rules and norms. They prefer living life on their own terms.
ENFJs are responsible and dependable. Others can trust them with important tasks or even with secrets.INFP individuals are of the “happy-go-lucky” type. Because of their whimsical nature and carefree attitude, other people do not trust them with ease.
People with the ENFJ personality often tend to be quite talkative. They often force their opinion on others. For this reason, other people may sometimes think of them as too dominating.Individuals with the INFP personality are good listeners. They speak less and listen more. They use this time to think.
ENFJs end up being friends with a lot of people. They have an innate quality of making others like them with ease.INFP individuals have very few friends. But within this small friend circle, they become close friends with all of them.
The dominant function of ENFJs is extraverted feeling (Fe). They tend to maintain harmony with everyone. They always want to help others and make everyone happy.The dominant function of an INFP is introverted feeling (Fi). They experience a wide variety of feelings and in great depth as well. But they process these emotions inside their own hearts.

To Sum Up 

Let us sum things up. In this article, we have talked about some traits that seem to make ENFJs and INFPs alike to each other. But we have also talked about some qualities that make them different.

But we have to remember that every person is a unique individual in their own right. While we classify a person as having a certain personality type, we must also respect the person for who they are.