ENFP workplace habits thrive on change and adaptation. Two things are must in workplaces to make these intuitive extroverts live in peace and harmony. One is the opportunity to explore, experiment, and innovate new work-related strategies.

Secondly, ENFPs prefer individual contribution more than group work in an organization. As far as their work related endeavors are concerned, they prefer dedication and effort above everything. Thus, they wish to contribute individually so that they can keep a check on their expectations.

In this think piece, we will elaborate on the various work roles that ENFPs perform as a part of an organization. We will also take a closer look at their communication style and conflict resolution strategies.

ENFP Workplace

ENFPs are versatile and creative in workplaces. Others love them because of their humble, modest, and highly approachable mindset. With warmth and flexibility, ENFPs make their presence felt in a workplace. They are adaptable to changes in the workplace much more easily than others.

No matter the role they work in, ENFP always prefer workplaces that are full of explorative ideas and innovative tendencies. They thrive in work settings that allow creativity to flourish through every nook and corner.

These people prefer changes and hate monotonous ways of doing their tasks. They love to create and find out new ways of solving work related problems. These individuals have innate people skills. They can manage teams and become inspiring leaders. 

ENFPs have a charm of their own. Even in workplaces, people flock around them. Others are drawn by their cheerful and optimistic nature. They possess advanced communication ability that helps them to network and understand the mindset of others in the office setting.

People with an ENFP personality type have the ability to create a caring work environment where members feel safe to share their ideas with each other. As a team leader, they act as facilitators. They will help other people grow in their career path in an organization.

ENFPs respect the opinions of everyone in the workplace. They are open-minded and flexible. They consider their teammates as equals and never attempt to hurt or humiliate anyone in the office.

As they are accommodating and humble, others can approach them with various issues without any hesitation. The ENFP is a master worker in the office. They are inspiring leaders, helpful colleagues, and dutiful subordinates.

In workplaces, they thrive best in a flexible work culture where relationships are valued and a lot of activities are going on to keep them mentally active and agile. ENFPs cannot work in routine rather they prefer to stay creative in their daily work.

They prefer freestyle work and hate to be micromanaged. These individuals have a free spirit. They prefer to live life as it appears to them and the same goes in workplaces as well. They will fulfill their duties without judging the same as good or bad.

At the same time, they never compromise on their values and will dedicate themselves to duty in their workplaces. 

Let us learn more on the various roles they play in an organization.

ENFP as a colleague

To an ENFP, their colleagues are much more than mere co-workers. They share their exuberance and lively spirit with their colleagues and successfully create a caring, loving workplace. They see their colleagues as equals and would go to any extent to support them in times of need.

As colleagues, ENFPs want their teammates to share their excitement. They will do so many things together just as friends do for one another in a personal relationship. ENFPs are optimistic souls with a zest for life. If any colleague is feeling down, they will be quick to notice the changes and do something about it. 

ENFPs will always try to find a win-win solution for everyone. They are flexible and operate in innovation and novelty. They will be the last person to critically evaluate a colleague rather than try to help them in every small way.

With colleagues, ENFPs will get involved in powerful discussions. They enjoy brainstorming sessions and prefer to participate in discussions and debates in workplaces.

As colleagues, ENFPs are keen to know how others see them in the organization. They remain open to constructive criticism from other team members and try to rectify their mistakes and deficits based on these feedbacks.

They are great to pick up others’ motivation in the team and can help them climb the professional ladder easily. In this way, they also contribute to the overall development of the team as a whole.

The ENFP colleague is cheerful and friendly, and can act as an inspiring leader for other colleagues as well. They believe in collaboration and team work and thrive best in an open, peace-loving work environment.

ENFP as a subordinate

As a subordinate, ENFPs are dutiful and humble. They have an innate ability to impress their managers and superiors with new ideas, creative plans, and help them accomplish long term goals for the organization. 

At the same time, ENFPs are patient listeners. They share ideas with their managers and listen to their point of view also. In this way, a collaborative work culture gets developed in the workplace. 

Being a subordinate, ENFPs are dutiful. Their infectious humility helps them build cohesive teams and work in union with everyone.

They never engage in rifts and tussle in the organization. ENFPs have a peace-loving nature. They prefer to stay silent and avoid getting into conflicts with their managers. When they do not agree with their managers, they would take a soft stance to express their opinion. They never insult or abuse anyone openly. 

AS subordinates, ENFPs are jovial, fun-loving, and sociable. They prefer to talk about light things during office meetings. This is done just to avoid the grip of stress trying to get closer to each and every member in the team.

The subordinate ENFP may feel stressed out if they fall in the hands of a nitpicky manager. They cannot see personal attacks as easy and feel anxious about their performance in the organization. 

ENFPs are easygoing and prefer to be in an open-minded work setting where blaming game, nitpicking tendencies are not much. In such a situation, they fail to operate and suffer from extremes of anxiousness and behavioral irritation.

ENFPs hate schedules and routines in place. They would have issues dealing with a manager who tells them to work in an organized and systematic manner. They will fail to operate and may suffer from tension and ill-feelings.

As subordinates, they love to have a manager who is friendly and sensitive to the needs of others. They will perform to the optimum levels in positions where they can flex their arms and avoid getting into pointless discussions and unnecessary planning.

These people hate to have a boss who is critical and interfering in nature. In such a case, ENFP subordinates will lose patience and motivation to continue with their good work.

ENFP as a manager

As a manager, ENFPs are helpful leaders. They believe in collaboration and teamwork. They are inspiring leaders who know the art of bringing the best out of the team. Being a leader, they prefer spontaneity and creativity to flourish in the workplace. 

ENFPs follow democratic leadership styles. They believe in knowing what the team members have to say about an idea. 

These people believe in creating psychologically safe work teams where members feel free to share their ideas with everyone else in the team. 

They use their friendly attitude to build cohesive teams. These individuals are ruled by their hearts. They are flexible leaders who are not critical even by chance. Thus, team members feel safe and sound under their tutelage.

Sometimes, ENFPs struggle in the managerial role. Since they prefer an open-minded working style where established rules of work are not clearly defined, they may fail to motivate those employees who thrive in structure and organization.

If there are a few members in the team who prefer organization and rely on a well-defined set of work guidelines, then they will not be able to relate well with an ENFP manager. This can act as a hitch and impact organizational behavior of all in the tram.

The ENFP manager has to learn to maintain a balance between too casual and messy to becoming too methodical and rigid in the workplace.

You will never find an ENFP manager rebuking or insulting a teammate openly. They are considerate and prefer to stay calm and explain things to their subordinates rationally.

Overall, they are good managers to work with. They have the innate ability to handle tough situations and take vital decisions effortlessly. 

ENFP personality type and workplace communication

ENFPs prefer open communication. They hate small talk and pointless discussions rather prefer to have a straight talk on various business issues. People with this personality type always look to casual, straight forward communication. They do not like to show off and you need to avoid it completely in order to connect with them naturally.

ENFPs are extroverts. Thus, it is obvious that they are social, outgoing, and can connect with diverse personality types. This means they love to talk and express their thoughts openly. Nothing is kept inside for others to hunt out and understand on their own. 

If you are communicating with an ENFP, keep your conversations interesting and free flowing. Avoid discussing too serious and boring issues; otherwise they will lose interest immediately.  They do not like mundane stories, rather look for spicy stuff that can excite their thoughts in newer ways.

ENFPs prefer innovative and creative ideas to be put on the table. Since they think out of the box, their communication style is expressive and innovative. They love to talk about varied ideas and seek suggestions from others about how to implement those ideas into reality.

Having a meeting with ENFP personality type – What it looks like

In an official meeting, ENFPs prefer to stay tuned to what is being discussed for the day. They are attentive, yet creative in nature. After listening to everyone’s ideas, they will prefer to put their ideas on the table. 

In meetings, they prefer to be acknowledged for their shared ideas. They would love to be appreciated for their good efforts. You will have to encourage them to share their ideas with you and the rest of the team.

In meetings, avoid being too organized and structured rather keep an open-minded attitude to problem solving. If the meeting goes on for a long time, you will have to make them feel comfortable by offering a cup of coffee or any other refreshment of their choice.

Always allow a room for easygoing and light-hearted communication so that an ENFP feels delighted to be in the meet up. Keep things positive and happy, and then only your meeting with an ENFP will be a successful one.

ENFP personality type and conflict resolution in the workplace

Being a feeling personality type, ENFPs are not good at handling workplace conflicts. They will find these conflicting issues extremely energy draining and exhausting. 

ENFPs would love to express their true feelings while in a conflicting situation. They cannot hide their sensitive feelings and it gets onto the surface quite easily. 

ENFPs would move away or take an aloof stance in the face of conflict; otherwise they may feel extremely overburdened with negative emotions. 

Allow them to say things aloud and vent out repressed feelings. In this way, ENFPs actually cope with anxious feelings. You must remember that harsh words and critical evaluation can make them feel weaker. So, you need to avoid them altogether.

Use empathy and consideration while you are trying to resolve a conflict with an ENFP. They prefer friendly connections to thrive all around them.

To Sum Up

ENFPs have a flexible working style and this quality makes them everyone’s favorite. They thrive in innovation and sudden changes that are needed to keep pace with their excited and exuberant lifestyle.

People with this personality type work best in inspiring environments that allow creative ideas to bloom into reality.