Key Takeaways

  • ENFP stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving personality types.
  • They are casual and fun-loving, social and outgoing.
  • ENFPs are idealists with a big vision for the future. They are free souls who never get tied up in life.
  • They are curious and quick learners yet struggle to put things in place, just because they lack self-discipline.
  • ENFPs hate being left alone. They never want to be sidelined in the crowd. Always prefers to be in the spotlight.

Are you warm and energetic and possess people skills? Do you think you are a pathfinder of success and innovation? Are you fun-loving, spontaneous, and creative? Then you could be the ENFP personality type.

Being an energetic, creative, and highly dominant person, you have the power to foresee the future. This vision guides your path towards innovative endeavors in life.

Given your ability in generating new ideas, you are a visionary who can write success stories and winning recipes quite flawlessly.

Above all, you are a lively and dynamic person. Your charisma and aura can fill up the air in the room when you walk in. Meeting new people is a passion, as you possess the ability to forge deeper social connections in your life.

Your brimming ideas, deep conversations, social dynamisms make you a popular and admired person.

ENFP Personality Infographics

ENFP Personality Meaning & Signs
ENFP Personality Meaning & Signs
ENFP Personality Strengths, Weaknesses & Hobbies
ENFP Personality Strengths, Weaknesses & Hobbies

ENFP personality type – meaning

ENFP stands for Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving personality type. They are upbeat and outgoing, open-minded and flexible, creative and instinctual. Being a popular person, they always remain the brightest bulb wherever they go.

ENFPs embrace big ideas and always look into future possibilities. Most often, they overlook the present outcome and dream of making everything big in life. They are extremely energetic and lively and have a positive approach to life.

They long for a meaningful and purposeful life where ideas are to be created and nurtured, goals to be focused upon, and fulfilled in reality. Sometimes, this can backfire and ENFPs may fail in their endeavors.

This happens because of ENFPs innate nature to procrastinate, lose focus on the way, and put off the task till the last minute rush hour. 

To dream about big ideas appears easy to them but to fruition it in actuality may not be easy at all. Their efforts may go in vain and the task may be safely shelved for a later look in.

People of this personality type are inconsistent decision-makers because they lack self-discipline and show duality in their thought patterns quite often. They may struggle to put things in the right place and at the right time. 

People with this personality type hate mundane tasks and day-to-day routines. For them doing the same stuff every day is exhausting since it diminishes their power to think and create masterpiece ideas to work upon.

In such a situation, ENFPs may lose their enthusiasm and may just chill and do nothing to pursue their goals. ENFPs are extroverts who like freedom of expression, flexible schedules, and independent work styles.

They never wish to be trapped by anything in life. ENFPs stand out in the crowd because of their happy-go-lucky and optimistic bent of mind. 

In everyday life, campaigners are friendly, warm, and compassionate. They believe in the innate goodness of the soul and nurtures happy relationships in their personal and professional life.

Being an extrovert, they are socially dynamic, vibrant, and have an easy-going demeanor outwardly, but beneath this lies the deeper and instinctual ‘self’ of ENFP that is rich, imaginative, and curious.

Their radiant personality is attractive and alluring and thus others might get hooked to them. Socially, they are go-getters who can hit the dance floor at any moment. They enjoy the tiny moments of life and teach others how to do it.

You can refer the given link to more about the fine-drawn personality makeup of ENFP Myers Briggs

Evaluate yourself with our personality tests that are clinically approved by Certified Psychiatrist and draw a path to successful work life and happy relationships.

ENFP typology description (campaigner personality)

The acronym ENFP personality type stands for the following:

1. Extroversion – ENFPs love to be with others. They are interested in people and their behavior patterns. Their extroverted nature makes them outgoing, friendly, caring, and lively. ENFPs love to go out and socialize outside much more than any other personality types. Moreover, they share their thoughts and ideas with others rather than keeping it within themselves.

2. iNtuition – ENFPs are instinctual and love to explore new ideas, make plans, and use their gut feeling to decide upon important matters in life. They continuously strive to brainstorm and think over all sorts of things.

3. Feeling – ENFPs give more importance to feelings and emotions and less priority to logic and reasoning. This trait makes them caring and empathetic people. They are emotionally expressive and are aware of the feelings of others.

4. Perceiving- ENFPs are flexible and open-minded people. They are spontaneous and moves with the flow of time, never prefer being organized and planned beforehand. ENFPs are open to changes as and when needed. They are adaptable and malleable in nature.

Personality traits of ENFP personalities

The typical personality traits of the ENFP include the following:

  • Casual
  • Flexible
  • Adaptable
  • Curious
  • Warm and compassionate
  • Outgoing
  • Gregarious

What if you are an ENFP?

If you are an ENFP, you must be like this-

You have a vibrant social life that is enriching and makes you a friendly and caring person. Deep down your firm exteriors, you are deep and thoughtful. Maybe your intuitive nature helps you to be more introspective and imaginative.

You are independent and seek meaning and purpose in whatever you may be doing. If something sparks your creativity, you will be interested to know the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the phenomenon.

Being an extrovert you derive your mental energy from socialization. You may become the center of attention, typical limelight in a social setup. 

Your charm attracts others towards you. The positivity that you possess is infectious and can light up the hearts of the gloomy and depressed. It can make you an inspiring leader.

Another typical aspect of your personality is that you are fickle-minded and may lack focus and consistency while you are working on a project.

Being an ENFP, you are witty, humorous, and have an excellent command of language. You can express freely in social setups and create engaging and interesting stories as conversation starters.

ENFP personality signs (10 signs to reckon)

People with ENFP personalities have abundant mental energy that is socially infectious. They are passionate learners with out-of-the-box ideas and imaginations to work on. 

Being an enthusiastic personality type, they will always help and support others in need. Moreover, you may help them realize their true potential and accomplish life goals.

Some of the typical signs of the ENFP personality type is as follows: 

1. Curious and deep thinkers

ENFP is inquisitive and always wants to explore everything around them. They always go out of their comfort zone and do things or embark upon new adventures.

Being an observant and imaginative type, they never miss out on the minute details as well as the big picture. They believe that everything in life happens for a definite reason, and they are just curious to know all the reasons behind a particular happening.

Being open-minded and flexible personalities, they explore diverse opportunities and make things happen.

They never get stuck with ideas, rather make plans to execute ideas into actions. 

2. Amicable and pleasant

ENFPs are popular in social circles. They are pleasant and affable. They are easily liked by others because of their flexible, adaptable, and helpful nature. 

Others can approach them easily because they are kind and sober. They can never behave harshly with anyone.

ENFPs are altruistic and easy-going. They never show off their talents and knowledge in front of others. People do not find them intimidating and can get along with them freely.

3. ENFPs over-emotional

ENFPs are sensitive and emotional people who get bothered by the feelings and emotions of others. These people overthink a lot.

As they tend to attend to every small detail, they may suffer from anxiousness and stress. They can never say a ‘no’ to someone who seeks their support and that can add up more stress in their emotionally overburdened life.

During times of extreme stress and anxiety, ENFPs can have emotional outbursts that are overwhelming and hard to deal with.

4. Lively and dynamic social presence

ENFPs are lively and dynamic people. For them, meeting new people, getting to know them well, and forge deeper human connections are extremely important.

Usually, an ENFP never misses a chance to socialize. They share their ideas and imaginations with like-minded people. Moreover, they are flexible and often listen to what others have to say on the topic.

5. Excellent communication style

ENFPs possess an excellent command of language. Thus their verbal communication is awesome. This flair over language helps them to motivate and inspire others in style.

They can get along well with anyone and everyone because of their amazing speaking skills. Sometimes they are great motivational speakers who others follow ardently.

One good thing about this personality type is, they are equally good in deep conversations as well as small talk. 

Moreover, they are also good at arguing facts and figures that go against their beliefs. Usually, they put such strong justifications to prove their point of view, and most of the time, they are actually right.

6. Indiscipline and poor focus 

ENFPs love to imagine and ponder thousands of fleeting ideas every now and then. In short, their mind is never devoid of new ideas.

When the initial spark of ideas wears out, they may struggle to maintain interest in it, and as such none of the ideas take shape in reality.

ENFPs lack discipline and consistency. They may find it hard to stick to one particular idea and fruition it in reality. Sometimes, they may start doing many things at a time but give up on the way.

In such a situation, they take help from others. They are the ones who may start a new project before finishing the previous one.

7. ENFPs are approval seekers

Even though ENFPs are highly creative, intelligent, and skilled people, they want others to tell them that they are good enough.

People with this personality type suffer from inferiority complex and low self-confidence levels. They may think they are worthless and are not loved sufficiently by others.

Insecurity and poor self-esteem is the root cause of such a feeling. This approval-seeking tendency makes them weaker and they start to question their place in society.

8. Messy and lacks organizational skills

ENFPs are not organized, tidy, and methodical by nature. Because of their perceiving qualities, they are spontaneous, flexible, and never follow order and system.

They can work unsystematically in chaotic environments and never feel any discomfort doing it. However, others who work with them in such a messy situation find it annoying and irritating.

As they lack planning in work, they may forget important parts of the project they were working on. Sometimes, they may forget trivial stuff such as phone numbers, appointments, phone calls, meeting schedules, and much more.

9. Open-minded and compassionate

ENFPs are highly flexible and open-minded people. They always make others believe that they are being loved and cared for. Being a kind person, you will make an effort to do well for others, help them in need. 

They have innate talent to make others feel accepted and comfortable. The charm of the ENFP personality is quite alluring and others will always go to them to seek advice over important matters in life.

Being warm, humble, and cozy, it’s no surprise that ENFPs are the most popular person in the room. 

10 Good understanding of others

ENFPs are good mind readers. They know that human behavior is determined by heredity and environmental forces and thus want to get deeper into the various aspects of a person to know them well.

The main purpose is to find out the authentic and truthful nature of the individual. In doing so, ENFPs provide others a safe space to reveal their honesty and integrity.

If you want to know more about ENFP personality traits, you can follow the link given here.

Cognitive dynamics of ENFP personality type (The Functional stack)

In Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the 16 personality types are described and interpreted on the basis of cognitive functions that determine the individual’s thought processes and overall functioning. 

The cognitive functions are arranged in a hierarchy where the most dominant functions appear first with auxiliary functions supporting the dominant ones. This arrangement of functions in a definite order is known as functional stacking.

Later come the tertiary functions and the inferior ones that appear only in certain situations in life. Most often the inferior cognitive functions relate to the person’s weak areas that need to be developed with further practice and nurturance.

In the ENFP functional stack, the functions are arranged according to their degree of strength and efficacy, meaning how far they influence the thoughts, feelings, and actions of the person.

1. Dominant function: Extraverted intuition (Ne)

  • ENFPs love to explore many opportunities. They place more emphasis on future possibilities, not much concerned about here and now events.
  • Extraverted intuition helps ENFPs to see connections between ideas, situations, and people.
  • ENFPs are focused on abstract thinking. There is a constant flow of ideas, theories, and framework that is not in sync with the real world. This makes them abstract creators.

2. Auxiliary function: Introverted feeling (Fi)

  • This function helps ENFPs to use emotion and feelings while deciding on important matters in life. They never use logic in decision making rather it is turned towards deep feelings and values.
  • These individuals are warm and compassionate that values human relationships fully. As such they believe in an ideal world where everyone lives in harmony and peace, everything is congruent with values and goodness in life.

3. Tertiary function: Extraverted thinking (Te)

  1. This function helps ENFPs to look into disparate ideas and find a logical connection between them.
  2. When they work on a problem, this function helps ENFPs to lay down all the information from the external world and try to find out the common pattern and connection between them.
  3. They always try to find out the best solution to problems. ENFPs are efficient decision makers as they find a balance between quick decision and value driven decision.

4. Inferior function: Introverted sensing (Si)

  • INtroverted sensing (Si) is the last function in ENFP personalities, thus they are actually not well developed in it. 
  • Theoretically, this function operates at the subconscious level. People who have this function as a dominant one can actually store relevant information that they sense from the immediate environment and can use in future.

To know more about ENFP cognitive functions, you can refer to this link.


Both these personality types have abundant energy. They are people-centric, compassionate, and have the ability to motivate and inspire others to have a successful life.

There are many similarities that we can think of while we discuss the innate personality dynamics of these two personalities:

  • Both these personalities are warm, kind, and love to be with others.
  • They are extroverts who can easily connect and build rapport with others.
  • ENFPs and ENFJs are superb communicators. Their verbal communication skills and language flair is just awesome.
  • Both these types are high end social observers. They are quick to read the feelings of others.

Though they match in many characteristic traits, ENFP and ENFJ personalities also differ in certain subtle ways.

The differences:

ENFPs are flexible, spontaneous, and decide on the spot. They do not prefer to organize things much, rather live in the spur of the moment. ENFPs move with the flow of time and decides, when ENFJs are organized and methodical. They plan everything much ahead. They plan work schedules, hobby time, parties, going shopping, and everything that they were supposed to do. They never move with the flow of time. They are task-oriented and always stick to their schedules
ENFPS are perceiving personalities. Thus, they are open to new possibilities and changes. Any sudden change in their life will be seen as an opportunity for further growth and innovation.ENFJs are judging types. They are not comfortable with sudden changes in life. It makes them feel stressed out from within.
Regarding leadership, ENFPs love to explore possibilities in people and the workplace. They like to innovate and develop good work structures that are future-centric and can bring growth to the team. However, ENFPs are more open to try out new things as suggested by the team members. In this way, too much innovation and change can lead to confusion and incomplete tasks.ENFJs are born leaders. They can guide, inspire, and motivate their teammates to come up with the best ideas. But as ENFJs are judging personalities, they put more emphasis on task completion. They motivate the team to complete the assigned job.
Being spontaneous and easy-going personalities, ENFP types can share their ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others much more easily than the ENFJ.ENFJs are more reserved than ENFPs. Thus they are not always comfortable sharing their ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. They may use it with discretion.

If you are interested to know the differences between ENFPs and ENFJs, you can click the link here.

ENFP compatibility

ENFP personalities are pleasant and easily get along well with most other personality types. This is because they are kind and empathetic people who place a high value on their relationships.

They are the ones who always try to avoid conflicts and make peace with others when things seem to go wrong. They are peace-makers and avoid confrontations at all costs.

Moreover, people with this personality type are humble, soft-hearted, and can easily understand the feelings of others. 

They are flexible and remain open to others’ opinions and views. People like them because they are acceptable and pleasing individuals.

ENFPs are devoted and committed people. They give a lot of time to nurture healthy relationships. Thus, while seeking compatible partners, they consider the following things:

  • ENFPs can match well with people who are emotionally expressive, kind, and humble. Someone who can share deep feelings with them is usually most liked and accepted.
  • People who are honest and believe in committed relationships.
  • Someone who enjoys innovation and tries to break routine living.
  • Those who can resolve conflicts peacefully.
  • Someone who will appreciate and accept the spontaneous and child-like ENFP.
  • People who will affirm ENFPs as ‘good enough’

The compatibility chart given below shows the best, good, and worst matches for the ENFP personality type.

Ideal matchGood matchPoor matchPoles apart
ENFP compatibility chart

ENFP relationships

Relationships are an integral part of the ENFP’s life because they are warm, compassionate, and love to stay connected with others.

They approach all their personal relationships with honesty and integrity. They fair well as romantic partners, friends, and as a parent because they are understanding, adjustable, and can easily relate to the feelings of others.

Romantic partner/spouse

ENFPs are passionate lovers. They are warm and show compassion towards their partners. For them, love is an eternal bond that is built on mutual respect and collaboration.

In relationships, they remain emotionally engaged and emanate positive vibes into the relationship. As they are emotionally expressive, they allow their partners to express themselves freely, without any inhibitions.

ENFPs romantic relationships brim with hope and excitement. Sometimes they invest too much into developing their romantic relationships that ENFP may find hard to meet their individual needs and interests.

People with this personality type usually fall in love quite passionately. They always harbor a deep wish to connect at the deepest levels with their partner. 

The honeymoon phase of the relationship goes longer for ENFPs as they try to find out ways to delight their partners in every possible way. 

ENFP as a parent

As parents, ENFPs are encouraging and loving towards their children. They allow their children to foster creativity and develop deep insight into life.

People of this personality type enjoy parenthood to the fullest. Rather than pressurizing their children to work in certain definite ways, they encourage them to think out of the box. They encourage self-expression among their little ones.

Being a parent, ENFP love to be flexible and allow their children to follow their dreams and aspirations. In this regard, the child is given all the support that they may need to live a happy and fulfilled life.

As a parent they guide their children to innovate and nurture their individual talents and interests. Moreover, an ENTP parent knows how to balance love and discipline at home. 

ENFP as friend

ENFP friends are loyal, trustworthy, and empathetic. They always go out of their way to help others. Being cheerful and light-hearted, ENFPs can support their friends if they fall in gloom and despair.

They are generous and warm. As friends, they know how to transform the ordinary moments into more fun-loving and fulfilling ones.

People of this personality type allow their friends a safe space to open up, share their deepest secrets and wildest dreams. Their friends know that they will never be judged, even if they go wrong in some way.

ENFP friends can invest their time, money, energy, expertise, into building strong friendships. Sometimes, they may start to ignore themselves and a time may come, when even their closest friendships may show signs of issues and disagreements.

If you are eager to know more about the ENFP relationships and compatibility style, you can click the link here.

ENFP in the workplace

In the workplace, ENFPs are guided by a lot of flexibility and an open-minded attitude. They always try to make their workplace a safe and comforting space to thrive and grow individually.

ENFPs like to work in flexibility and style. They are not interested in following a fixed schedule at the workplace, rather believe in spontaneity and sudden changes.

Being an extrovert they love to share their ideas with the team. However, they listen to their team as well before arriving at a decision.

ENFPs consider their team members as equals and respect their opinions. They know how to keep everyone happy in the team. 

ENFP as subordinates

Campaigners (ENFPs) are humble subordinates. They impress their superiors with new ideas, innovative planning, and creative problem-solving strategies. As they are good listeners, they remain open to the ideas of their immediate manager and work with them collaboratively.

Sometimes, if ENFPs fall into the hands of a nitpicking manager, they may get overly frustrated with their work. The stress levels may go up and they may not perform as expected. This happens because ENFPs like to work at their own pace.

They hate following routine and pointless team discussions that do not serve a good purpose. ENFPs can perform their best job if given a chance to flex and do things in their own innovative ways, without any interference from their managers.

ENFP as colleagues

People with this personality type are friendly colleagues. They take a genuine interest in the professional growth of their colleagues and team members.

If they see their co-worker down or emotionally stressed out for some reason, ENFPs believe in supporting them with compassion and gentleness.

Campaigners believe in growing together in an organization. Thus, they never humiliate or degrade others in the office. 

They do not want success at the cost of someone else’s respect and dignity. ENFPs never ride the professional ladder by pulling others down. They believe in the genuine talent that everyone in the team is bestowed with.

ENFPs can praise and give due recognition to their colleagues when they do well in their assigned work. ENFPs are extremely popular in the workplace because of their amicable and tolerant nature. 

ENFPs as managers

ENFP managers believe in collaboration and friendliness. They are democratic managers who show genuine interest in knowing the opinions and viewpoints of all the team members.

For them, leadership is all about building a close-knit, cohesive, and psychologically safe team where members feel secure to share their opinions and issues and can connect with each other at a deeper logical and emotional level. 

They show equality and respect in their role as managers. You will never find an ENFP giving orders to their subordinates, rather they foster a safe space where members of the team feel free to share their opinions and judgments on a vital issue.

To know the details of ENFP workplace habits, communication style, and conflict resolution techniques, you can access the link given here.

ENFP and career choices

ENFPs pursue their career paths with vision and inspiration. As they are driven by future possibilities, they prefer to choose career options that give them opportunities for personal growth, innovation, and artistic expression of their talents and skills.

As ENFPs are people-centric, they excel in careers where they are required to meet and deal with other personalities. Thus they are good both as a manager and as colleagues.

Their preferred career options are as follows:

  • Human resource professional
  • Market research analyst
  • Teacher
  • reporters
  • public relations manager
  • mentor
  • trainer
  • special educator
  •  social worker
  • Therapist
  • Nutritionist/life skills trainer

If you want to know more on career choices of ENFP personality types, you can refer to this link.

ENFP – strengths and weaknesses

If you are an ENFP or know someone with this personality style, you will be eager to know the strengths and weaknesses of ENFPs.

The ENFP personality is outgoing with vibrant energy. They have a dynamic aura that can change the world for human development and betterment.

They live in a world of opportunities. Their warmth, sensitivity, and concern for the well-being of others make them popular people in social setups.

They also have key strengths and weaknesses that make them unique.

Key strengths of ENFP personalities 

1. Inquisitive

ENFPs are curious and remain fascinated by almost everything. They show a genuine interest to understand the meanings of different concepts.

Since they are highly imaginative, flexible, and open-minded people, they can explore new ventures without having any fear of failure.

They always go out of their comfortable spaces and show interest in new ideas, concepts, and theories. Knowing new things is a passion for them.

2. Perceptive and insightful

Being an ENFP personality type, you will quickly pick up subtle cues from your immediate environment. It can be changes in someone’s behavior, mood shifts, emotional cues that suggest pain and suffering.

 In short, you are responsive to even the slight changes that others might not even notice in their day-to-day life. You are sensitive towards the needs and emotions of others.

3. Enthusiastic and on the go attitude

You are energetic and a go-getter. If an idea strikes your imagination and you wish to work more on it, you will freely share it with others. Even so, you will try to make it in reality.

You will listen to others’ opinions and ideas on the subject, even if it varies from your own thoughts. You are a humble person who wants to give a chance to everyone to express their views and showcase their talents.

4. Good communicators

You have so much to say. Your brimming ideas, thoughtful problem-solving strategies, small chit-chats to cheer up the mood of someone, is not enough. You have much more to offer to this world.

Being an ENFP, your verbal and spoken communication skills are just awesome. You can start enjoyable and meaningful conversations and maintain the flow throughout. When people talk to you, they never feel bored and that’s your magnetic charm that keeps everything in place all the time.

The key weaknesses of ENFP personality

1. People-pleaser

You are a people pleaser because you feel insecure and vulnerable if others dislike you. Sometimes you may compromise on your values and priorities just to satisfy others.

If you fail to win over others, you may start to think of various ways to appease them and try to find out ways to resolve the issue.

2. Disorganized

Being an ENFP, you are spontaneous and move with the flow of time. You do not plan ahead and thus you do things haphazardly.

Your organization skills are poor and as such you never like to do routine jobs such as paperwork, scheduling meetings, taking notes, etc.

3. Tends to lose focus easily

You may lose focus on tasks quite easily. The initial thrill of doing something new might not last long. This is because you are fickle-minded and tend to think about many ideas at a time. 

You may not focus on one particular work at a time. Thus, you may struggle to maintain your interest and focus. 

The task may appear laborious and you may not pursue it any longer. To be precise, you lack the discipline to go on with the same work for a long time.

To know more about the ENFP strengths and weaknesses, you can access the link given here.

How to relate with ENFP personality?

If you are trying to relate with someone having an ENFP personality type, you may look into the various tricks and hacks that you may use to make the relationship a free-flowing and fulfilling one.

  • Be supportive towards them. Since ENFPs like to help and support others, they also expect the same from you. You need to help them thrive on encouragement, inspiration, and value based living.
  • In personal relationships, ENFPs want someone to shower love and compassion to them. Thus, if you want to relate well with them, you need to express your deepest feelings towards them. This makes the ENFP feel loved and accepted.
  • ENFPs love people who can help them solve problems creatively.
  • Never criticize ENFPs openly. They may not take it easy. Criticisms and judgements can make them feel insecure and can push them into hopelessness. They will start questioning their self-worth and your relationship with them may break forever.
  • Do not expect them to follow a routine. They are free birds who just want to soar high as much as they can. If you restrict them and tie them down in daily chores and routine activity, they will eventually get frustrated and the relationship may go for a toss.
  • You will have to remember that they don’t like unfaithful and dishonest people, so avoid doing unscrupulous stuff with them. You will have to have strong moral values to fit into their ethical frame of mind.
  • ENFPs like open communication and mutual collaboration. So, if you are trying to reach out to the ENFP, be clear about your needs, desires, and priorities. They hate people who hide a lot and say less about their feelings.
  • Try to embrace their creativity and support them in their work pursuits. They just want accepting, humble, kind, and faithful people around them to grow and flourish.

Famous ENFPs you may be knowing

Some of the famous ENFPs you may be knowing are as follows. These individuals are renowned politicians, social activists, business people, actors, sportspersons who have inspired others with their work and living style. Their versatility and creative endeavors make them so popular amongst all.

If you are interested to know more about ENFP famous personalities, you can access the link here.

We have also compiled the names of ENFP characters who you may be knowing. Check out their names here.

What ENFPs hate?

ENFP personalities may not like the following things, rather would always try to avoid them as much as possible. 

  • ENFPs hate being alone. They fear living alone or not having any friends or supporters around them.
  • They hate losing significant relationships in their life, either to death, divorce, separation, etc.
  • ENFPs hate meaningless life without a purpose to live with.
  • If they are unable to meet their potential and life goals, they may feel frustrated about themselves.
  • They hate being criticized.
  • ENFPs do not like people who are less compassionate and more selfish. 
  • They hate being left alone and sidelined in a crowd. Being extroverts, they suffer from an anxiety of living a socially secluded life. They fear social rejection and isolation.
  • ENFPs are scared of hurting others, even if it happens by a chance, not a choice.
  • They would hate to compromise their values for something else in life.
  • They would hate to live a life without excitement and adventure, so they fear getting older.
  • ENFPs suffer from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). They are extroverts and outgoing. Thus they always want to keep track of what’s going around.
  • They hate dry conversations, small talk, and pointless discussions.

We all love to spend time differently. The selection of a specific hobby or leisure activity depends upon the likes and dislikes of the person, areas of strengths, and the person’s overall personality.

ENFPs want to explore everything. They will always show interest in doing something new and innovative. They will never remain confined in their comfort zone but will try to explore various options available to them. 

Likewise, their hobbies and interests also change. But one drawback of this is, they are inconsistent with one particular thing. For them, boredom can set in early and they may start pursuing something else. They never do one particular thing for a long time

Some of the most preferred hobbies of the ENTP personality type are as follows:

  • Writing
  • Sculpting
  • Calligraphy
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Writing blogs
  • Photography
  • Listening to music

Some of the best suited hobbies for ENFPs are described here.

ENFP and Myers Briggs personality test

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (1985) is a self-reported personality test that is used widely, globally to determine the 16 different types of personalities. 

The original version of the test was developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers and was based on the cognitive theory of personality developed by C.G Jung.

The personality test describes the personality types that are unique and exclusive. The test consists of nearly 100 items that have two statements. 

The respondent chooses any one of the statements that describe their individual nature and behavior patterns.

The theoretical construct behind MBTI is based on the four different categories that show how people understand the world around them, process information internally, and make decisions accordingly.

These four categories were first identified and described by Carl Jung in his ‘Analytical theory of personality’ and later researched by Myers-Briggs.

The four categories are:

One letter from each category is used to give the four-letter personality type of the person; such as INTP, ISTJ, INTJ, ISTP, etc. in this way, 16 personalities have been identified and described vividly by the test.

If you want to know your personality, you can take the test here.

How rare is the ENFP personality type?

ENFP personality types constitute about 8.2% of the population. Men comprise 5.8% and women about 10.2%. They are creative problem-solvers, yet suffer from a lack of vision and focus because of their restless and overly intuitive mindset.

ENFPS are moderately common personality types. They are the fifth most common personality type amongst women.

ENFP personality type – major stress triggers

ENFPs are free-spirit go-getters and they can really feel under pressure and stressed out if things do not seem to go according to their spontaneous and easy-going nature.

ENFPs may become overwhelmed under stress and their otherwise amicable and fun-loving nature can turn defensive, irritable, and aggressive. 

Sometimes, they may show instant reactions in the form of verbal outbursts, rejecting ideas, stop meeting people, and shut into a confined space of calmness and tranquility.

ENFPs may feel trapped and out of control. Their lack of emotional control can make them abuse and blame others. They may find fault with either the person or the system till they regain emotional control.

Under stress, the energetic ENFP may suffer from fatigue and emotional tiredness, as if someone or something has drained all the energy out of them.

The likely stress triggers for ENFPs are:

  • If they are forced to follow routine and structure, they may feel stressed out because they hate doing the same thing over and over again.
  • ENFPs may feel under pressure if they cannot fulfill their life goals and aspirations. They may not pursue their ideals and goals diligently.
  • Lack of independence and too much interference from colleagues or managers.
  • Interpersonal conflicts and inability to solve them.
  • Inability to meet daily routine demands such as work deadlines

How do they deal with stress triggers?

During difficult times of extreme stress, ENFPs may lose their temper and show their passive-aggressive side as well. Symptoms like mood swings, irritability are quite common. 

To cope with the situation, they may do the following things:

  • ENFPs may try out getting some quality ‘Me time’ to unwind and rejuvenate.
  • Regular exercise and meditation can help release stress hormones and make the person.
  • They can listen to soothing music to calm down and be in touch with their innermost feelings.
  • A nature’s walk or visit to distant land can help refresh the imaginative mind of ENFPs.
  • ENFPs can also resort to positive affirmations and good self-talk to feel worthy of themselves.

If you are eager to know the various causes that lead to stress in ENFPs and the way they handle these stress triggers in their day to day functioning, you can refer to this link.

The video link given below shows the ENFP personality type with their signs and profile description. Do check out.

Key Takeaway from ‘ThePleasantPersonality’

ENFPs are known for their bright personality and manifold talents. They are open-hearted and lively and the ones who always stand out from others in the crowd. 

Their positive and inspiring nature makes them pleasant to be around. They are in the limelight in any social gathering and get noticed easily. Their charismatic social presence makes them people’s favorite types. 

People of this personality type are vulnerable to many changes in life because they always seek novelty and innovation. You may find them changing careers quite often, or pursuing diverse hobbies. 

But whatever it is, ENFPs are armed with hope, cheer, compassion, and enthusiasm and that’s what they need to live a happy and content life.

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