Recently, the team of ThePleasantPersonality analyzed the Google Search Data of January 2023 to see which personality types are commonly searched. The team evaluated the data using Google Keyword Planner of the most common personality type searches on Google, breaking it down by countries: the US, UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa & India.

Amid this, the most searched personality type was INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging). So, let’s see what the statistics country-wise look like!

Statistics in The United States of America for January 2023 

As mentioned above, INFJ Personality tops the list in all countries. It had a 90500 search volume in January 2023, followed by INFP Personality, which had 22200. Furthermore, INTP Personality witnessed 9900, and ENTP & ISTP personalities had 6600 each. 

Besides, ENFJ Personality, ENFP Personality, ISFJ Personality & ISFP Personality had a search volume of 5400 each. Apart from this, ISTJ Personality had 4400 & ENTJ Personality had 3600. 

Last but not least, ESFP Personality & ESTP Personality had a search volume of 2400 each, while ESFJ Personality & ESTJ Personality had 1900 each.

Statistics in The United States of America for January 2023
Statistics in The United States of America for January 2023

Statistics in The United Kingdom for January 2023 

INFJ Personality was the top search query in the UK, with a volume of 12100. It was followed by INFP Personality & INTJ Personality, each having a search volume of 8100. Then came the INTP personality with a search volume of 5400, while ISTP Personality, ENFJ Personality, ENFP Personality & ISFJ Personality had a search volume of 3600 each. 

ISFP and ISTJ Personality had a search volume of 2900 each, and ENTP Personality had 2400. Besides, ESFP Personality & ESTP Personality had a search volume of 1900, respectively, ESFJ Personality & ESTJ Personality had 1300 each, and ENTJ Personality had a search volume of 1000.

Statistics in The United Kingdom for January 2023 
Statistics in The United Kingdom for January 2023 

Statistics in Canada for January 2023 

In Canada, INFJ Personality has gained a search volume of 12100, followed by INTJ Personality standing at 9900, INFP Personality at 8100 & INTP Personality at 5400. ENFJ, ENFP, and ISTP Personality had a search volume of 4400, respectively. 

Also, ENTP Personality, ISFJ Personality, and ISTJ Personality had a search volume of 3600, respectively, while ISFP Personality stood at 2900 and ENTJ Personality at 2400. Lastly, ESFJ Personality, ESFP Personality, and ESTP Personality stood at 1900, respectively, while ESTJ Personality stood at 1600.

Statistics in Canada for January 2023 
Statistics in Canada for January 2023 

Statistics in Australia for January 2023 

Let’s start with the topmost searched personality type, again INFJ Personality, with a search volume of 8100, followed by joint spots taken by INFP Personality & INTJ Personality with a search volume of 5400. 

Next in line is ENFP Personality with a 4400 search volume, while INTP Personality and ENFJ Personality stood at 3600, respectively. Furthermore, ISTP Personality, ISFJ Personality, ISFP Personality, ENTP Personality, and ENTJ Personality stood at 2400, respectively. 

They were followed by ISTJ Personality with a search volume of 1900 and ESFP Personality with 1600. Lastly, at 1300 search volume, the next in line was ESTP Personality, ESFJ Personality & ESTJ Personality, respectively.

Statistics in Australia for January 2023 
Statistics in Australia for January 2023 

Statistics in South Africa for January 2023 

It also looks like residents of South Africa are curious about INFJ Personality, which is why it stands as the top-searched query with a volume of 2400, followed by INTJ Personality with a 1600 search volume and INFP Personality with 1300. 

This was followed by INTP Personality with 880, ENFP Personality with 720; ENTP Personality, ENTJ Personality, and ISTJ Personality with a search volume of 590, respectively. Furthermore, ISFJ Personality and ISFP Personality shared the exact search volume of 480, while ENFJ Personality had a volume of 390. 

ISTP Personality, ESFP Personality, and ESTP Personality – all had a search volume of 320, followed by ESTJ Personality with 260 and ESFJ Personality with 210, respectively.

Statistics in South Africa for January 2023 
Statistics in South Africa for January 2023 

Statistics in India for January 2023 

Again, INFJ Personality stands at the top with an 18100 search volume, followed by INTJ Personality with 14800 and INFP Personality with 12100. Furthermore, INTP Personality had a search volume of 9900, ENFJ Personality had 6600 & ENFP Personality had 5400. 

ENTP Personality, ENTJ Personality, ISFP Personality, and ISTP Personality had a search volume of 4400 each, while ISTJ Personality and ISFJ Personality had 2900. Besides, ESFP Personality and ESTP Personality, and ESFJ Personality had 2400 each and lastly, ESTJ Personality stood with 1600 search volume.

Statistics in India for January 2023 
Statistics in India for January 2023 

Expert’s Opinion

Dr. Nereida Gonzalez-Berrios, MD, reviewer and certified psychiatrist of ThePleasantPersonality, commented, “A lot of people are confused about their personality types. Besides, they think that knowing their personality type can help them make better decisions in life, be it career or relationship. Knowing their personality type will help them achieve more realistic outcomes.”

She adds, “When an individual knows their personality type, they’ll be able to make healthy choices in life. The decisions concerning career, lifestyle choices, relationships, and hobbies will be wise and well-thought-out initiatives. Probably that’s why they might be looking for answers by searching them on the internet.”