The 16 personality types compatibility illustrates the best match types for all the different types discussed in the MBTI test. This personality type compatibility becomes an important factor in determining the value and strength of relationships, friendships, or family bonds between different people.

Knowing the personality type of your partner will ensure better adjustment with them, leading to a happy and loving bond that would last a lifetime.

16 Personality Types Compatibility

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is perhaps the most common personality test used worldwide. This test divides human beings on the basis of their personality traits, into sixteen different types. 

All of the 16 personality types have certain similarities and dissimilarities with each other. Naturally, this means that not all personality types are compatible with each other. Some personality types gel together better than others. 

What is compatibility? In simple terms, it means how well two or more people can coexist together. 

Compatibility is an important aspect in any relationship. Oftentimes, the satisfaction rates of a successful relationship depend on how compatible the two people are.

Many of the Myers-Briggs personality types have some overlapping qualities. For example, the INFP and INFJ both have introverted personalities. So, one can assume that these two personality types will have a high degree of compatibility. We will discuss what the terms INFP and INFJ mean, later.

One might wonder if personality-based compatibility has any value in a real relationship. It is true, we cannot say with a hundred percent certainty that two people will have a fulfilling relationship just because they have similar personality traits

A relationship is a complex interaction between two human beings. So, many different factors come into play here.

But having an idea of the personality types of two people does provide some basic ideas. At the very least, personality types can provide clues as to how two people will interact. It also gives an idea of which areas two people can have conflicts in. In turn, this can help people understand each other better.

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Myers Briggs Relationship Compatibility Basics

Myers-Briggs has based the 16 personalities according to four scales. These basics are important factors that determine the extent and intensity of relationships that these types will have:

  1. Energy: This indicates how a person energizes themselves. They can do it on their own, or by being around other people. According to that, people can be either extroverts (E) or introverts (I).
  2. Information: This scale denotes how an individual processes information. Some people may choose to focus on the tangible information that they receive from around them. Some others may trust their gut feelings more. They try to keep an open mind at all times. In accordance, people may be either sensing (S) or intuitive (N).
  3. Decision: This gives an idea of how people take decisions. These can be small decisions like what to eat for breakfast. They can also be major decisions like important business decisions. Some people rely on logic and facts. Some others become more invested from an emotional point of view. They take decisions based on how they feel at that moment. In this way, people can either be thinking (T) or feeling (F) type.
  4. Lifestyle: The term lifestyle indicates how a person acts in their daily lives. Some people want everything in their life to be in a proper orderly fashion. They plan and schedule everything in advance. They cannot stand it if things do not go according to their plan. Some others can be more of whimsical type. They like to go with the flow and make necessary adjustments. Based on this scale, people can be either judging (J) or perceiving (P).

From this, we can see that pairwise combinations from these four dichotomies can give rise to sixteen unique personality types. 

One can guess with quite an ease that some of these personality types have more in common with each other than some other types. But does this hold true for relationships as well?

There is a common saying, “opposites attract”. But this is perhaps not true for the Myers-Briggs personality types. Research has shown that most people tend to be more satisfied when their romantic partners have a similar personality as them. 

Paul. D. Tieger also found that people with a Feeling type of personality tend to have a high degree of compatibility with any other personality type. A possible reason for this can be that feelers give strong importance to emotions. They apply this outlook in the case of their relationships as well. They care about the well-being of others, including their romantic partners, at a deep level. This makes Feeling type people a good romantic partner.

16 Personalities’ and Their Best Matches

What about the other personality types and their relationship compatibility? Are you eager to know more about these matching combinations?

We will now take a look at each of the sixteen personality types. One by one, we will discuss what the most compatible personality types are for each of them.

1. ESFP personality type compatibility

ESFP stands for the Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving type of individual. The three personality types ESFPs are most compatible with are ESFJ, ESTP, and ISFP.


An ESFP’s Decision domain operates on their Feeling. So, they give strong importance to their feelings and emotions. For this reason, ESFPs love to be in a relationship with others who share their feelings. They also want to match with partners who match with their Extraversion domain. This makes an ESFJ the perfect match for an ESFP.


An ESTP also tends to be an extraverted individual. This makes them share similar vibes and energy levels with an ESFP.


An ISFP individual has an introverted personality. This makes them the complete opposite of an ESFP. But apart from their energy domain, ESFPs and ISFPs are a perfect match in all the other domains.

2. ESTP personality type compatibility

The term ESTP stands for an Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving type of individual. An ESTP’s three best matches are the ESTJ, ESFP, and INFJ.


Both ESTPs and ESTJs match on all of the domains except their lifestyle. This makes them a reasonable fit. ESTPs are open-minded and flexible while their ESTJ partner is an organized freak. Therefore, both can complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses very easily.


ESTPs and ESFPs match all the other domains except their Decision making. ESTPs give more thought before making any decision. On the other hand, ESFPs trust their emotions. Because one of the partners is feeling empathetic, it makes this match a good one.


At first glance, an ESTP and INFJ may not seem like a good match. It is true; it may seem that they have nothing in common. But if we take a deep dive, the key point lies in their tertiary functioning. 

An ESTP’s tertiary functioning operates on the level of an INFJ. On the other hand, an INFJ’s tertiary function is ESTP. This makes these two personality types great at interacting with each other. Both these people prefer an open communication style. Since communication is the key to any relationship, this makes ESTPs and INFJs highly compatible.

3. ESTJ personality type compatibility

ESTJ denotes an Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging type of individual. An ESTJ tends to be the most compatible ESTP, ESFJ, and ISTJ.


ESTJs and ESTPs both share three personality domains. Both of them are outgoing, sensing, logical, and rational individuals. Even though their lifestyle pattern does not match, they can be compatible in a relationship.


These two personality types also match in three domains. Although their decision-making does not match, because one of the members is a Feeling type, their relationship can be successful.


Apart from their energy style, ESTJ and ISTJs match in all other domains. This also makes them compatible at a reasonable level.

4. ESFJ personality type compatibility

ESFJ stands for an Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging type of person. Their three best matches are the ISTP, ESTJ, and ESTP.


At first glance, one can think that ESFJs and ISTPs share nothing except their Sensing style of information processing. But in reality, these two personality styles complement each other in a nice way. This makes them a good match.


Individuals with these two personality types match in all domains except their decision-making. But because one of them is a Feeling type, this match will also be compatible.


An extrovert’s primary desire is to match their partner’s energy level. Because ESFJ and ESTP both match on that, their relationship will likely be successful.

5. ISTJ personality type compatibility

An ISTJ is introverted, sensing, thinking, and judging. Their best matches will be the INFJ, ISTP, and ISFJ.


ISTJs and INFJs match two of the four domains. But there is more here than what meets the eye. Both of them tend to be goal-oriented individuals. ISTJs prefer to have a logical approach to everything, including relationships. 

They also prefer stability. On the other hand, INFJs want to empower others. This makes these two personality types complement each other.


These two personalities match in all domains except their lifestyle. A relationship between them would not have a problem in being successful.


ISTJs and ISFJs match on three out of four domains, except their decision-making. They would also have good success in a relationship.

6. ISTP personality type compatibility

An ISTP’s personality traits include introversion, sensing, thinking, and perceiving. Their ideal matches are the ISFP, INFP, and ESFP.


ISTPs and ISFPs match in all domains except their Decision making. From this, one can understand that they would be compatible in a relationship.


These two personality types match two out of four domains. But in most cases, two perceiving types generally tend to have good compatibility with each other. For this reason, they would be a good match.


Since both these personality types have a Perceiving lifestyle, they tend to be a good match. Both of them are also Sensing types. This increases their compatibility.

7. ISFJ personality type compatibility

ISFJ stands for an introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging type. They become a perfect match with the ESFJ, ISFP, and ISTJ.


ISFJs and ESFJs match all personality domains except their energy level. In general, ISFJs match well with other Sensing type individuals. They give more importance to facts, rather than trusting their gut feelings. It seems quite natural that they bond well with others who do the same.


These two personality types match all traits except their lifestyle. But because both of them are sensing and feeling types, they are empathetic, and kind, and give strong importance to their relationships. For this reason, they tend to be a good match.


Both partners are practical-minded and down-to-earth due to their common sensing functions. ISFJs will bring emotions into play. So they will shower a lot of love, understanding, and consideration into the relationship. It would be a happy, compatible match.

8. ISFP personality type compatibility

ISFP denotes an introverted, sensing, feeling, and perceiving individual. Their perfect matches are the ESFP, ISFJ, and ESFJ. We have already discussed the compatibility of ISFP with both ESFP and ISFJ above.


Both these personality types are sensing and feeling types. Both of them tend to be in tune with their surroundings in the same way. They both prefer an open communication style. They also give strong importance to their feelings in a relationship. For this reason, ISFPs and ESFJs can be a good match.

9. ENTJ personality type compatibility

ENTJ indicates an extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging type of person. ENTJs are most compatible with INTJ, ENTP, and ENFJs.


ENTJs and INTJs both have an intuitive thinking (NT) core. Because of this, they can be stimulating and exciting partners for each other. None of them are too emotional. Instead, they prefer to have deep discussions with each other about a wide variety of things. Both of them also prefer a stable relationship and give strong value to trust.


Apart from their intuitive-thinking (NT) core, these two personality types also share an extroverted personality. For this reason, ENTJs and ENTPs can be quite compatible.


ENFJs and ENTJs match in all domains except their decision-making. But because they share their energy level and lifestyle, they tend to be a reasonable match.

10. ENTP personality type compatibility

ENTP stands for an extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving individual. An ENTP’s ideal matches include the ENTJ, ENFP, and ENFJ.

ENTPs tend to be lively and extroverted individuals. They seem to have a vibrant feel about them. For this, they match well with other extroverts.

11. ENFJ personality type compatibility

ENFJ denotes the extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging type. An ENFJ matches best with other ENFJs, as well as INFJs and ENFPs.


ENFJs are one of the few personality types that match well with people of the same personality type. Why they do so because they have a giving nature. They are empathetic and kind-hearted. They always prioritize other people’s well-being over their own. This is true in the case of their relationships as well.


They differ in their introversion-extroversion dimensions. They will know how to respect each other’s personal space and privacy.  

12. ENFP personality type compatibility

ENFP stands for an extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving type of personality. Their perfect matches include ENTJ, INTJ, and INTP.

An ENFP is great at coming up with new and innovative, inspirational ideas. But oftentimes, they are too lazy to execute them. Here, ENTJs, with their Judging personality, can be of help. 

Likewise, an INTJ, who has more stability in their thoughts, can shape the ENFP’s creative ideas in a better way. INTPs can also help an ENFP calm down. In any case, each of those three personality types complements an ENFP in a perfect way.

13. INTJ personality type compatibility

INTJ indicates an introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging person. They match best with the INTP, INFJ, and INFP. The most obvious reason for this is the shared domains of introversion and intuition between these personality types.

14. INTP personality type compatibility

An INTP is an introverted, intuitive, thinking, and perceiving type of person. Their perfect matches are the INFP, ENFP, and ENTP. All of them share the Perceiving domain of their lifestyle, which makes them a reasonable match.

15. INFJ personality type compatibility

INFJ indicates an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging type of individual. Their ideal matches are ISTJ, INFP, and INTJ. The fact that all of them are introverts draws them together.

16. INFP personality type compatibility

INFP denotes an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving type of individual. Their best matches include INFJ, ISFJ, and ENFJ. They will surely relate well with other intuitive personalities because they feel secure when they have a partner with them who also prefers to see future possibilities.

To Sum Up 

In this article, we have discussed what compatibility between the different Myers-Briggs personality types looks like. Apart from the compatibilities that we have mentioned here, some other types of compatibility may also happen between partners. 

Here, let us leave with a word of caution. Just because two personalities are compatible, it does not guarantee that they will have a successful relationship. 

Relationship satisfaction depends on a lot of factors. The key to building a good relationship is to get to know the other person better. Having an idea of the personality type of one’s partner can definitely help in doing that.