Key Takeaways

  • Type A personality individuals are multitasking, ambitious, and workaholic people who live a stressful life. For them, time is money.
  • They cannot accept failures, and want to achieve everything, but with an impatient and aggressive approach.
  • Type A people have a dominating personality, and they have a rigid belief system. The stressful lifestyle makes them prone to cardiac diseases.
  • They are socially inhibited people, incapable of expressing what they feel. PDA is a big NO for them.
  • They are opportunistic, focused, and punctual at the workplace. The A types are known for being the ace in their industry. They’re open to new risks and challenges.

So, you want to know what is a Type A Personality…

Well, you are most likely to have started your research with the question: what is personality, and how it is to be defined.

But even before that you must have identified how some people are different from the other in so many terms… characteristic traits, behavior, intelligence, and their thinking processes.

Well, to answer your questions, the different characteristics of a human being can be defined as personality. This is the term that can be heard often in civil conversation.

The term personality was coined from the Latin word persona. Persona was a mask used in the ancient Roman era by the theatre artist to perform different characters which helped them to remain in disguise.

Personality also varies according to the given situation. Even stressful situations make a person behave differently.

So, a human’s “real” personality is truly a matter of debate. 

But while the dispute is never-ending, there are a few solid studies that will help you identify a certain group of people with similar characteristics, reactions, and even behavioral patterns.

Among these groups, A-Type was the most prominent and also the first few finds.

So, without further ado, let’s jump to the crux and find out…

Type A Personality Infographics

Type A Personality Meaning, Traits & Strengths
Type A Personality Meaning, Traits & Strengths
Type A Personality Weaknesses, Ideal Jobs & What to do if you are a Type A Personality
Type A Personality Weaknesses, Ideal Jobs & What to do if you are a Type A Personality

What is a Type A Personality?

Type A personalities are extremely goal-oriented and workaholics, often characterized by a stressful way of living.

Type As are hell-bent on achieving their goals. They lead a very disciplined life and have a very competitive behavioral pattern.

They basically eat, live and breathe work. Thus, due to their consistency and focused behavior, these people are likely to achieve their goals in a shorter span.

On the contrary Type B personalities are not as competitive as Type A and they lead a stress-free life by enjoying whatever comes their way.

But this carefree behavior shouldn’t be perceived as their carelessness as they also emerge as winners.

Type As are extremely scared of failure and thus, tend to work 24*7 to ensure success. This workaholic behavior leads to aggression, stress, and impatience in their everyday life.

However, if that wasn’t enough to quench your thirst about type A personality, you can check this article about type A behavior pattern

But if you want to know where it all started, let’s know about the research that led to it…

Evaluate yourself with our personality tests that are clinically approved by Certified Psychiatrist and draw a path to successful work life and happy relationships.

Type A Personality Research

Dr. Gerald Friedman and Dr. Ray Rosenman categorized personality types that have higher chances of cardiac arrest and heart diseases under type A personality.

It all started from chairs, you know! Surprising? Let’s see how!

One day, Dr. Gerald Friedman and Dr. Ray Rosenman came across withered chairs in their room and they also noticed that the chairs were wearing out rapidly at certain spots.

For example, the front edges of the seats and the handles that acted as armrests. 

The doctors came to the conclusion that people who used to sit on the chairs sat on the edges of the seats and sprang up immediately.

After some research, the doctors discovered that these people were extremely stressed and so they wanted to dig deeper to identify the crux. They also figured that an accountant’s cholesterol levels shot up during tax season.

One thing led to another and they could finally conclude that some people are more prone to heart diseases or cardiac arrest than others – and the doctors named them Type A Personality.

If you want to recognize whether or not you belong to a type A personality or that you share some traits in common with type A personality, go on and explore the traits of this particular personality type.

Type A Personality Traits

Even among the researchers, there is a debate on what traits exactly describe the Type A personalities.

Some experts say that competitiveness and workaholism are the most prominent characteristics of Type A while some say that Type As are best described by impatience and rude behavior.

So, amidst the confusion, here’s a tentative list of traits that have been acknowledged as Type A personality traits.

P.S. Since, every individual is different from the other, the traits may also vary slightly.

1. They are Super Impatient

A Types are extremely impatient and it can be easily observed as they talk more and listen less. They want everything on time (in fact, before time!).

It has also been seen that A types walk at a heavy pace and are always worried about something.

2. They are aggressive

A types often get extremely aggressive if the outcome isn’t what they expected it to be.

They get annoyed and upset over small things. Unlike other types, they fail to overlook even the tiniest

3. They want to win everything

Here comes the most talked-about term of Type A personality – they are extremely competitive. They walk with just one vision in mind: to acquire the first position.

They just cannot fathom failure or loss and easily get along with people of similar behavior. Whether it’s work or relationships, they want competition everywhere.

4. They are proud of what they achieve

These personalities as mentioned above live a very focused and determined life. Their success and hard-working nature determine their self-worth and happiness.

5. Type A tries to show their dominance

A-types are supremely dominant in their opinion and action. Whether it’s personal life or professional, they want an upper hand everywhere.

They do not welcome any counterarguments and stand by the ethos “my way or the right way!”

6. They are socially isolated

As they are always engaged in work, they spend less time in social circles.

They often remain isolated and don’t let surrounding circumstances impact them. But in reality, this is not good for their health.

Further, they are also opposed to the idea of being extroverts and take pride in how they carry their lives.

7. They are stressed 24*7

The worst but possibly the most prominent characteristic trait of Type As is that they lead a very stressful lifestyle.

This stress can lead to several negative impacts on their lifestyle and thinking process. Research says that it can give rise to severe heart-related issues that are fatal for life.

8. They are prone to heart diseases.

Some researchers say that there is a general connection between TABP and coronary heart disease. However, the recent analysis does not confirm this.

9. They are obsessed with multitasking

Since type As hate to waste time and have a severe sense of time-urgency, they feel compelled to focus on more than one task at once. They also have a huge zeal for high productivity which motivates them to take up more responsibilities at once.

10. They don’t like to work in groups

Due to their intense desire to win, they like to work independently. They want to outshine others and don’t want to be dragged down because of others’ poor performance. So, they dislike the idea of being in a group. They feel frustrated if they have to deal with an entire team.

If you want to read more about their traits in detail, check here!

Now that you have a fair idea about the traits of A-types, let’s find out how it impacts their behavior – the strengths and weaknesses that are borne from these traits.

Type A Personality Strengths

Even though a lot of their traits point towards the negative side, Type A Personalities definitely have some really prominent strengths too, including…

1. They have a better lifespan

Individuals with type A personality traits are aware about their personal needs. This helps them provide what their body requires like exercise, balanced diet, and optimum sleep. It’s because they’re extremely dedicated towards their goals and don’t want health issues to hinder them.

2. They’re calm even through the worst

During a crisis, people usually lose their calm and can’t focus. But it’s completely different for a type A person as they can perform well even when they are stressed. They always have their eyes on their goals whether in their private or work life.

3. Their success rates are way higher than others

Type A personalities are much more dedicated and determined towards their goals. They don’t give up easily and try harder unless they reach the desired goal. They also work hard so they can achieve their goals at the first shot. So, they have higher chances of succeeding in life!

4. They can be scholars

A-types are more likely to become scholars because they score higher in academics. Their diligence helps them top in their class. Further, they get even more driven when they achieve something and challenge themselves to do better. This helps them stand out in whichever fields they pursue.

5. They aren’t afraid of change

People usually desire stability in their life and work hard so they can maintain a certain amount of peace in their life. However, A-types don’t mind taking risks and challenges. Rather, they feel uneasy if they stay still for too long.

Similarly, there are characteristics that act as weaknesses of type A personality.

Type A Personality Weaknesses

Type A people often get impatient on trivial matters and lose their calm. Similarly, they have other weaknesses too, including…

1. They are at a risk of cardiac issues

There’s no hardcore link between A-types and cardiovascular issues, so not all A-types will suffer from it. But, they have common traits like irritability, impatience, and high stress levels. So, this makes them more inclined to get hypertension and coronary heart problems.

2. Their relationships get strained

Since A-types are so motivated to succeed in life, their ambitions make them workaholic. If possible, they’d confine themselves at work all the time. They often neglect their loved ones and even get angry when anyone asks them to spend more time with them.

3. They’re bad with group settings

Be it at school, work, home, or social situations, A-types can’t at all be comfortable in groups. They like to be in charge of groups but not follow or coordinate with others. They act like the know-it-all in groups and offend others with their impulsive actions.

4. They often burden themselves

Whether in their personal or professional life, when they take responsibility for something, they often pressure themselves to be perfect at it.

They put themselves through stressful situations knowingly and become prone to negative health consequences like strokes, high blood pressure, and gastrointestinal problems.

5. Their stubbornness harms the quality of their life

Once they commit to something, they don’t give up on it till the end. Even if it’s the wrong choice and the goals might be impossible to reach, they just can’t change their mind.

Even if you have a better idea, their stubborn attitude won’t allow them to accept defeat.But these aren’t the only strengths and weaknesses of A-types. So, grab all the details here!

With that, let’s glide into the fears and dislikes of type A personality…

Type A Personality Fears & Dislikes

Every individual has their own likes and dislikes along with a few insecurities and fears and so does Type A personality.

1. Missing deadlines

Type A individuals are obsessed with time urgency. They want to complete their tasks way before time as they are afraid they’ll miss the deadline if they don’t hurry. They always fear that they’ll miss certain opportunities if they don’t hurry.

2. Lengthy explanations

To A-types, time is precious, so they don’t like to explain too much themselves and hate detailed reports. They want things to be on-point instead of being stretched out for too long. They don’t have the patience to listen or read detailed things and prefer quick and short responses.

3. Emotional expressions

They dislike expressing difficult emotions because they don’t understand their feelings properly. They judge others if they share emotional thoughts with others.

If others ask them to share their feelings, they feel uncomfortable and feel confused. So, they make it seem as though others are too weak to discuss their emotions openly.

4. Repeating themselves about anything

Again, they are crazy about time management, so they don’t like to repeat their words. They expect others to note their words the first time, otherwise they feel frustrated. Moreover, if they ever express their emotions, that will only happen once. Even if you beg them to repeat, they won’t.

5. Being perceived as weak

A type people are proud of their capabilities and feel confident about themselves. They are ready to prove their worth to everyone. However, they can’t understand their emotions. So, if anyone else shows they understand them better and want to help them, A-types feel offended.To know more such fears and dislikes of type As, check this article!

Besides these fears and discomfort, you must not miss out on the driving forces for type A personality.

Type A Personality Motivators

Every human has its own triggers… Some can switch on their worst side while some can turn the knob of a motivated professional.

You must be curious about what might motivate a Type A to invest their best in the tasks at hand.

1. Money

People work hard day and night so that they get paid and pay their bills.

So, if a Type A personality is working day and night and investing all their hard work, effort, and time, then they expect to be paid accordingly.

Therefore, money becomes a first-hand motivating factor for them.

2. Opportunity

A-types are extremely efficient and committed, so an opportunity is always praised.

There might be cons of being a Type A but there are more pros. They will always be found being the central pillar of any institution or company.

3. Individual tasks

These people do not like working with others. They are more inclined towards working freely and alone without any kind of collaboration.

They might look lonely but the reality is that they enjoy being alone.

4. Risks

They are the biggest risk-takers and crave challenging situations. Unlike D types, they don’t like repeating the same task.

5. Punctuality

A types are probably most appreciated by this: their punctuality. They are always on time and eat fast, walk fast, and even work fast. Punctuality is their biggest strength and motivation.

If you’re curious for more, learn about all the motivators for a type A person here!

Next up, this think-piece enlists a sharp and brief explanation of the physical health characteristics of type A personality.

Type A Personality Physical Health

Type A personality is often found suffering from insomnia, heart diseases, diabetes, and dark circles primarily due to their stressful way of living.

If you possess traits similar to that of A-type, there’s always a chance that it will impact your day-to-day behavior and most importantly, your physical health. The mental pressure directly impacts your heart and makes you prone to cardiac diseases.

You might also experience panic attacks or heart attacks if the situation goes worse. To work 24 hours a day and meet the deadlines, you need to remain awake.

This means you are more inclined towards taking caffeine which will again impact your health in the long run.

You suffer from insomnia and that gives a thick black circle around your eyes. Due to the stress, some of them may also suffer from depression and anxiety issues.

Recent studies have already introduced so many treatments and therapies for the recovery of Type As.

The current lifestyle not only impacts your physical health but also your mental health. You might not understand it and keep going but that will only make it worse.          

So, if you are feeling disturbed, it is always wise to see a doctor or a psychiatrist. Make health your priority and take constructive steps for its improvement.  

While the physical health of a person is really important to be taken care of, it is even more important to have fit mental health.

Even science confirms that some physical diseases such as diabetes are a result of an unhealthy mental condition and a stressed mind.

Next up, you have a short explanation on the mental health of type A personality.

Type A Personality Mental Health

Type A personalities are so stressed throughout the day, that they often suffer from anxiety, depression, and extreme mood swings.

As discussed above, A Types mental health is equally impacted as their physical health.

Most A-types are unaware that due to stress, their mind also suffers along with the heart. They also experience various personality disorders and are short-tempered, ignorant, and take extreme pressure.

Cardiologists believe that A-types are most likely to get severe heart attacks. Hence, it is really important to stay calm if you are a type A personality yourself.

Understand the temporary nature of the universe. Nothing is permanent and thus, there is no need to chase material gains and losses.

If you’re worried about your type A acquaintance’s health, dig deeper about their physical and mental health here!

All that said and done… about health.

Let’s now find out about

Type A Personality Relationships

Type A personalities are famous for their budgeted trip planning. No disaster can call off their plan. They have thought well about everything.

Other than that, let’s look at some other A-type qualities in relationships.

1. They expect the best from their loved ones

Type A individuals give their best in everything and chase perfectionism. Moreover, they also expect the same from people around them. People that are closely bonded to them feel burdened because they are always expected to do the best!

2. They’ll organize the best getaway

Since A-type individuals are extremely organized and feel a sense of time urgency, they don’t keep anything for the last minute when planning vacations. So, if you go out with a type A person, they’ll take care of everything beforehand and you will be able to enjoy your time without any worries.

3. As parents, they give the best to their kids

Type A people not only work hard to achieve the best, but also do the best for their children. They research the best facilities for their child’s development and guide them with ways to succeed as much as them. They also try their best to provide a good environment for their child’s growth.

4. They never beat around the bush

A-types are straightforward in all relationships. They express their needs to others without hesitation and it also helps them maintain relationships better. However, their direct attitude might often make the other person scared of making mistakes and offending them.

5. They’re good with finances

Before they invest money into anything, A-types think through every little thing. For instance, instead of buying 10 similar items for a particular price, they get one quality product which can last them for longer.

They invest their money wisely and avoid wasteful spending.If you want to know them more personally or compare their relationships with other personality types, then don’t forget to click here!

This was about their relationship life, you must be eager to know how they perform in their work-life as well. That’s next.

Type A Personality at Work

Type A personalities, in a word, are workaholics. They have great knowledge about investments and money-making opportunities. The A types are also good at predicting profits and finances.

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of having such a hard-working and skilled personality at work.

1. They are competent and serious leaders

They are great leaders who make sure to complete their projects on the table prior to the deadline. So, if you are looking for someone who can work extra under stress and bring you profit, A types are the best.

2. They have an eye for profitable opportunities

They have a detailed understanding of investments as they are highly cautious and constantly on the lookout for better money-making opportunities. If you have a type A employee, you won’t ever miss the rare chances to develop your firm and reach its peak potential.

3. They always try to improve themselves

The A-type people keep expanding their skillset portfolio. They try to meet the standard they’ve set for themselves irrespective of the fact that their job demands such excellence or not.

It’s because they always seek better opportunities. They don’t wait for a reason to improve themselves and always prepare ahead of time.

4. They grab the top position everywhere

These people have a knack for being the ace in their industry. Their entrepreneurship and leadership qualities can help them establish a successful business of their own. 

Since they are stubborn, they don’t let any obstacle demotivate them. This in turn helps them reach the pinnacle of success.

5. Their impatience may take the better of them

A type personality can be extremely impatient sometimes. For example, if a colleague takes longer than expected to complete a project, (like C-type personalities) the A types will be really agitated.

In such situations, they might even take full control over the project or reprimand their subordinates for being incompetent. They can be quite difficult to work with because of their time urgency.If you want to know more about the professional habits of a type A person, check here!

Now that you’re aware of their professional life behavior, you might wanna know about which professions suit them better, so let’s find out here…

Type A Personality Job Roles and Ideal Job LIst

As Type As are extremely focused and goal-driven. Thus, there are certain job roles that they do better than the others like higher-authority governmental jobs.

Type A personalities can also be extraordinary entrepreneurs. Civil services jobs can also be ideal for the A-types.

Their determination and hard work will ensure success at all the jobs, irrespective of the field of operation.

Type A has a reputation for being an asset at the workplace. They don’t lose their thinking abilities under stress and are also good at taking calculated risks.

All of this works in their favor of securing a reputable job. Here are some job profiles best suited for personality type A.

1. President/CEO

2. General contractor

3. Salesperson or sales manager

4. Management Roles

5. Political Roles

6. Entrepreneur

7. Police/military officer

8. Executive

9. Leader

10. Head of the Department

If you’re a Type A and these jobs don’t interest you, check out this article to find all the professions you may consider!

So, are you curious how type As are different from type B, C, or D personalities? If yes, let’s find out here…

Comparing with Other Types

While you might be thinking what’s the point in comparing one personality type to another, it can help you differentiate and recognize each of them individually.

Sounds convincing? If yes, let’s begin with the comparisons.

Type A vs Type B Personality

While you read through the comparisons, you must keep in mind that most people don’t fit into these personality types entirely.

Often, they are a combination of two or more personality types.

So, these comparisons are purely restricted to the theoretical perspectives and confined areas of study.

1. Type As are realistic unlike type Bs

Type A tends to be practical and realistic while Type B has a fanciful mind inclined towards philosophy. A-types don’t like being imaginative and focus more on the truth and what can be done. They live in the moment. But B-types don’t take everything seriously.

2. Type A is extremely strict about deadlines, unlike Type B

A-types, due to their time urgency, hurry a lot to meet deadlines. They worry about affecting their reputation if they delay submissions. On the other hand, B-types are lenient and flexible. 

3. Unlike A-types, B-types are laid-back

Type A gets anxious when they are unable to accomplish their daily tasks but Type B remains leisurely and laid-back. B-types don’t worry about finishing their tasks and take their sweet time.

4. A-types have poor stress management skills unlike B-types

Type B is better at stress management compared to Type-A. Most people find Type B warmer in anxious situations in comparison to Type A. Type As act rudely as they get stressed way too much for their own good.

5. A-types focus on achievements and B-types on creativity

The greatest motivation of Type A people is achievements. They are ambitious for reaching the end result anyhow. But Type B people are more interested in the entire process. They want to enjoy the entire process and soak in every bit of creativity instead of hurrying to complete.

To know more about this comparison, check out this article.

Type A vs Type C Personality

Now that you compared As with Bs, let’s keep rolling and start with Cs…

1. Both are perfectionists

Type A and Type C are extremely particular about perfectionism. Neither of them give any scope to compromise. After a task is delegated, if you don’t produce perfect results, A-types will reprimand you but C-types will take away the task and do it by themselves.

2. They both prefer professional freedom 

A-types don’t trust others’ skills while they have complete faith in themselves. They look down on others when they don’t overwork themselves, so they prefer to work independently.

C-types prefer to work alone because others often push them to consider their ideas and type Cs feel anxious about messing up. 

3. Unlike type As, type Cs are patient

A-types feel time urgency and feel anxious when they wait whether in queue, traffic, or for others to finish their work. But C-types are patient and don’t hurry. They don’t mind taking more time to work perfectly.

4. Unlike As, Cs have poor delegation skills

Type As are good at delegating tasks because they understand others’ strengths and weaknesses clearly. But C-types fear that their chosen people won’t be able to fulfill their duties. They aren’t good at choosing the right person for any task.

5. Unlike type As, Cs are oversensitive

A-types are pretty insensitive and hurt or worry others even when they are already down. But type Cs don’t want to hurt others even if they get disappointed.

If you want to dig deeper about this comparison, click here.

Type A vs Type D Personality

After a comparison with Type B Type C, let’s draw an outline with Type D too.

1. Unlike type As, type Ds are distressed almost always

The D in type D can stand for distress because distress is extremely prevalent in this personality type. They experience awkward pent-up feelings and avoid expressing them to others. Type A avoids distress and is anxious only when they fail to achieve the desired goals.

2. Type A personalities are focused and determined, unlike Type D.

No matter what situation a type A faces, they always stay motivated to deal with all kinds of challenges. However, type Ds get overwhelmed from sudden changes. They also get burnt out faster than others.

3. Social gatherings tend to make type D uneasy, unlike type A who are good with people.

Type A people are confident socializers. They can express themselves in a straightforward manner. They don’t hesitate to express their mind and love to get attention. But D-types feel uncomfortable when they get attention from others.

4. Type A tends to be optimistic towards life, but type D always views things in a negative light

A-types always have faith in their capabilities. They believe that they are right in everything and often get into conflicts when others oppose them. But D-types only second-guess themselves and feel they are inadequate.

5. Unlike A-types, type Bs are conflict avoidant

Type A folks never step back from fights and confrontations. If they feel attacked, they don’t keep quiet. Instead, they often feel hostile towards others without much reason.

But D-types avoid conflict at all cost even to the point of sacrificing everything.If you’re curious for more, you can find more information about this comparison here!

After reading so much, are you wondering if you’re type A? Then it’s time to figure that out here…

How to identify you’re a Type A?

There’s no official quiz to find your answer. But don’t worry, it doesn’t imply that you can’t find out your personality type. Especially, if you believe you’re an A-type, take this detailed quiz and figure out the answer!

So, go ahead and take the quiz. Resume reading after you get your results.

Did you already get your answers? Found out you’re a type A? Then understand what’s good or bad about your personality here…

If you wish to discover your inner self, you can start by taking our personality tests.

What are the Pros of having a Type A Personality?

Every personality has its own set of pros and cons. Here are some benefits of being around a Type A.

1. You can deal with leadership roles perfectly

You have a keen eye for detail and you can understand others’ skills almost perfectly. So, if you are in a leadership role, you can delegate tasks perfectly and give your best with everyone else.

2. You always perform your best

Even during a crisis, you don’t get nervous and keep a steady mind. Even if others lose their calm or get emotional, you can think rationally through every situation. 

3. You can perform the best even alone

Some people feel anxious about working alone as they can’t get constant guidance from others. But you, being a type A, can perfectly perform with your diligence. Your motivation always helps you perform your best even when alone.

4. You can deal with extra work

Since you are great at multitasking and can work faster than others, you can complete all tasks within your deadlines because of your sense of time urgency. 

5. You’re passionate about your work

Unlike most others, you don’t work just for money. You choose a career which you can truly connect with. You are so immersed in your job that you forget about everything else.

Now, let’s move on to the negative aspects of your personality…

What are the cons of having a Type A Personality?

Let’s take a look at the other side of the coin now. Some disadvantages of being around Type A are listed below.

1. They stress themselves out

Being the overachievers that you are, you are always immersed in work. Most times, you remain under stress which only aggravates because of your habit to submit assignments “before” time. You avoid taking rest and want to complete everything at once.

2. You are always irritated

Moreover, your perfectionist behavior leads to frequent disappointment and irritability. This makes you lose your calm a lot earlier than other Types.

3. You cope with multiple issues due to stress

Your habitual stress also paves way for several health problems for you, both physical and mental. Needless to say, this affects your quality of life

4. You might become socially isolated

The temper issues can leave you socially ignored because of the damage it may cause to your social circle, eventually pushing you into a dark place.

5. You’re too stubborn 

Being an A-type, you believe you’re the best and it affects your life. You can’t take others’ feedback positively and stick to your own ideas. Even if it’ll harm you in the long run, you don’t reassess things.

You can know about more such pros and cons here to know yourself even better!

Now that you’ve noticed so many flaws, do you want to improve yourself? If yes, keep reading…

What to do if you’re a Type A?

So, if you know that you fall under the category of Type A, then there’s a lot of things you can introduce or revise in your daily habits to avoid endangering situations.

1. Try to change your work habits

If you are a person who wants to wrap up all the projects before deadlines, then you are correct. But to remain awake on caffeine the whole night is not the solution. You must learn to manage your food, sleep, and work simultaneously. 

Instead of taking stress about the outcomes of your work, attach yourself to the pleasing factors of your work. More than focusing on deadlines focus on a healthy working style.

Also, if you feel dissatisfied with your workplace or the rewards, instead of revolting about it, calmly sit and talk to your boss about it.

2. Adapt to a positive thought process

If you are looking at the lows of life, you will never be able to enjoy the highs. It is good to be focused and determined, but the process should not cost you the joyful moments of life.

So, it’s important that you let positivity surround you and adapt to a more optimistic thought process.

Keep working hard but also reward yourself for achieving small milestones. This will boost your confidence and you are going to perform even better! 

3. Act your way into new habits

Sleeping late or even experiencing sleepless nights, eating less food or starving for hours, doing everything rapidly, speaking more, and listening less, are a few habits that you need to change as soon as possible.

The way to a better lifestyle will not be easy but you’ll have to keep trying. In the beginning, if it gets extremely difficult, you can always fake it til’ you make it.

No, this doesn’t mean that you need to be dismissive of your feelings, you just need to adopt more emotion-driven strategies to make progress.

4. Keep and maintain a journal

Understand that you don’t need to remain active 24*7. Create your daily routine with healthy breaks in between and log it into a journal.

Yes, everyone must perform their daily activities with utmost diligence, but it is also equally important to reward yourself with personal time and space.

Maintaining a journal is the best way to combat stress. Keep a record of the number of times you get frustrated, lose your temper, or argue in a day.

Write everything that you feel at the end of the day… troubling emotions, active issues, everything.

Now, write down all the possible solutions to your problems and follow the easiest way out. If you follow this daily and have faith in this, it will prove to be a life-changing habit.

5. Go head-on with your fears

No doubt type-A personalities are the biggest risk-takers but with that, they are also fearful. They are afraid of making mistakes, delays, or failures. So, if you’re one among them, it’s time you need to confront them.

Understand that everything cannot go as planned. Even when you have several backup plans ready, there will always be slight chances of failure. So, instead of being irritated at the failure, reflect on it and make sure to never repeat it.

Remember, life has two sides: success and failure – you need to embrace both.

In fact, if you really want to improve, go on and perform tasks that otherwise irritate or frustrate you. For example, waiting in the ticket queue… that’s just going to improve your patience. 

If you want to know more ways about improving your life as a type A, then grab all the tips here!

However, if you find that someone else has a type A personality and face difficulties dealing with them, here’s the necessary help for you…

How to Deal with Type A Personalities?

There are three simple ways in which you can deal with type A personalities and keep them in a healthy mental state.

Let’s introduce you to a few of them.

1. Try to understand them

The first step is to understand type A people and accept their negative traits instead of blaming them. They haven’t intentionally harmed anyone and thus, they deserve to be heard and understood.

While talking to an agitated or stressed Type A personality, be as calm as you can be. If you want to put across your point and get through their thick wall of “I am right”, you need to be extremely patient and tolerant.

2. Keep all communication doors open

Many times, you may feel hurt by Type A’s cold behavior and dominant nature. The innocent souls often forget that it is not money but family that spreads happiness.

They also tend to be very closed and fail to express their emotions and feelings. So, if you wish to bring out the best in A-type, you need to initiate communication and make yourselves available for them.

3. Avoid situations that trigger Type As

The last step is to understand that type A people are sensitive to negative triggers and it might instantly impact their mood and behavior.

Hence, you must avoid creating situations that trigger type A personality in a negative way. You can also encourage them to adopt a few physical activities like Yoga, meditation, etc.

4. Set strict boundaries

If the type A individual tries to control your life and choices, you need not entertain them. If you are an adult and can decide for yourself, you don’t need to compromise according to their wishes. 

Tell them what you won’t tolerate from them and respectfully ask them to stop. If possible, you can even cut ties with them. 

5. Don’t take them too personally

Type As are habituated to be impatient perfectionists. They want things to go their way, so their demanding tones often sound rude. 

It’s normal to get hurt from their words, but don’t give them the power to impact your emotions. Don’t pay heed to their words as it’s more of a reflection of their own insecurities.

If you want to be more proficient at dealing with A-types, then don’t miss out the entire guide!

However, if you’re having issues communicating with a type A person, let’s know that next…

How to communicate with a Type A person?

Even if you try to be calm and respectful, a type A person may not always be open to clear communication. Their rudeness might even intimidate you from approaching them. So, here are some tips to have a healthy conversation with them…

1. Gather evidence before opposing them

The type A person is proud of themselves and they don’t like to be opposed. They always want to be “right”, so they won’t appreciate it if you have different opinions. So, always have good reasons to prove why you’re right and they are not to convince them.

2. Never pause while communicating

The type A person is always short on time and feels impatient when someone beats around the bush. They might even cut you off mid-sentence if you take too long. 

So, before you speak to them, make up your mind about the content of your ideas. This way you won’t pause or hesitate and avoid testing their patience.

3. Show gratitude

If you have a type A loved one, you might feel pretty annoyed with their workaholic nature. However, understand that they do it only for your comfort. 

They want to provide and protect you, so don’t think that they don’t love you. Instead, thank them for their sacrifices and do something to make them happy.

4. Make sure you know your facts

Before communicating with a type A person, double-check all details. Make sure that there’s no wrong or inadequate information. When you report to them, they’ll expect you to be prepared to answer correctly. Otherwise, they might even make a huge deal out of your mistake. 

Or, if you just can’t afford to research so much, avoid talking about deep things that need facts. 

5. Don’t force them to show emotions

The Type A person doesn’t like to show their emotions. So, don’t request them to be emotional or ask questions that need emotional answers. They won’t appreciate it and even misunderstand your innocent questions as mockery. So, avoid emotional subjects as much as possible.To know about more ways to communicate with a type A effectively, take a look here!

How does the environment affect Type A Personality?

It is not just about hereditary or parental genes but environmental factors like school, family, or workplace also play a vital role in giving structure to A-type personalities.

Environment plays an important role in structuring one’s personality.

It’s not always the genes that impact your personality but it also depends on the kind of environment you grew up in. Your personality partly depends upon the situations you had to face in the growing years.

School, workplaces, family environment, friends, etc – all play a significant role in shaping an individual’s personality.

It is possible that you were always in competition with your fellow mates to achieve a good rank in class. This constant chase may have triggered your goal-driven or competitive nature.

Or, you may have been brought up in a family where everyone had high expectations from you. Keeping your belongings in an organized manner, scoring good marks, and obeying your teachers and parents must have given you credits.

All these factors cumulatively might have given a boost to your already present A-Type traits such as punctuality, organization, focus, motivation, decisiveness, and discipline.

The excess pressure from your teachers and parents can also be the cause of your stressful and agitated nature.

Further, a competitive workplace can also bring out the best of A-Type that is added productivity and high accuracy. But of course, along with it comes a whole lot of stress and irritability.

Nevertheless, the bottom line is: the environment has a major role to play in developing your personality.

Now that you’re almost sure that you’re a Type A (or someone in your close circle is), here are a few personality tests that can give you a solid conclusion.

Type A Personality Tests and their Names

There are so many tests available out there to help assess your personality. Here is a table citing a few of them.

Personality Tests & ApproachesType A Personality Name
HippocratesCholeric (bodily humor: yellow bile)
DISCD; Direct/Controlling
Biblical characterPaul
Cartoon/comic charactersLucy (from Peanuts) / Rabbit (from Winnie the Pooh)

Finally, here’s…

A word from The Pleasant Personality

If you’re reading this part of the think-piece, you already know ALL that there is to know about Type A personality – traits, strengths & weaknesses, pros, and cons, and everything else.

If you’re Type A yourself, know that you’re NOT all-bad. You just need to soften a few of your traits like competitiveness, working 24*7, etc. Give yourself a break, reduce your stress and enjoy life a bit more.

But if you’re not a Type A, but are willing to help a Type A, you just need to be patient while dealing with them. If you want to adopt more advanced methods, you can also practice assertiveness and some healthy conflict resolution techniques.

This will help you maintain healthy boundaries and not be overpowered by the strong traits of a Type A Personality.

Are you interested to know more about ‘Personality Types A B C D’ then click here?

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